
关于母乳喂养论文范文资料 与产妇术后新生儿母乳喂养观察以与护理干预有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:母乳喂养范文 科目:本科论文 2024-01-19


[摘 要] 目的 对产妇术后新生儿母乳喂养及护理干预的临床效果做出研究分析.方法 方便选取2016年3月—2017年3月在该院进行剖宫产的90例产妇做为此次研究对象,随机分为常规护理组(45例)及护理干预组(45例),对两组产妇的护理效果进行比较分析.结果 护理干预组产妇护理满意度95.6%明显高于常规护理组82.2%,数据差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);乳汁开始分泌时间短于常规护理组,护理干预组产妇的乳汁充足率64.5%及乳汁刚够率22.2%均高于常规护理组40.0%、6.7%,术后第2天喂养成功率57.8%及第4天喂养成功率68.9%明显高于常规护理组33.3%、42.2%,数据差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 对产妇术后实施护理干预在短时间内有效的提高了新生儿成功喂养率,提高了产妇的护理满意率,保证了产妇分泌充足的乳汁,值得在临床中广泛推广和使用.

[关键词] 产妇;新生儿;母乳喂养;护理干预

[中图分类号] R47 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2017)08(a)-0149-03

[Abstracts] Objective This paper tries to study the clinical effect of breastfeeding and nursing intervention in neonates after maternal surgery. Methods 90 cases of maternal cesarean section in this hospital from March 2016 to March 2017 were convenient selection and randomly divided into the routine nursing group and the nursing intervention group, with 45 cases in each group. The nursing effects of the two groups were compared and analyzed. Results The satiaction rate of maternal nursing care in nursing intervention group was 95.6%, significantly higher than that in routine nursing group of 82.2%, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The milk secretion time in the nursing intervention group was shorter than the routine nursing group, the milk ratio of the intervention group was 64.5% and the freshness rate of milk was 22.2%, higher than that of the conventional nursing group of 40.0% and 6.7%, the successful feeding rate on the second day after operation was 57.8% and that on the fourth day was 68.9%, obviously higher than the routine group of 33.3% and 42.2%. The data were statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion Nursing intervention after maternal operation in a short time can effectively improve the success rate of neonatal feeding, improve the maternal care satisfaction rate, ensure adequate secretion of maternal milk, it is worth promotion and application in clinical practice.

[Key words] Maternal; Newborn; Breastfeeding; Nursing intervention


1 资料与方法

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