

版权:原创标记原创 主题:INFINITYANDBEYOND范文 科目:本科论文 2024-03-28


Micius and the Monkey King, a Dragon and a Heavenly Palace—this legendary sounding group somewhat surprisingly has nothing to do with Chinese history or mythology, but everything to do with science. With more than 170 satellites orbiting in space and a submersible in the farthest depths of the ocean, scientists are asking questions of the sky and the sea, and from their replies they are unveiling the mystery of these unfamiliar worlds.

Arcane particles

Pan Jianwei has become a renowned figure over the past two years for his labors in quantum communication, a field that sounds as if it were straight from the pages of science fiction.

The academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and professor at the University of Science and Technology of China is the architect behind the world’s first ever attempt to send a quantum communication satellite—Quantum Experiments at Space Scale (QUESS)—into space, which could transform the way in which we transmit information in the future.

Albert Einstein had a profound effect on Pan during his early years studying of physics, “but my study has gradually proved that most of Einstein’s quantum theories are wrong,” he said.

One of the great mysteries of science, the quantum world is beyond layman’s description for many physicists. “What is the quantum world like? It is something we use every day and yet we cannot feel its existence,” Lu Zhaoyang, a member of Pan’s team, said. “If you could shrink down to the height of one 10,000th a hair’s diameter, you would see a world beyond your imagination.”

Erwin Schr?dinger, the Nobel Prize-winning Austrian physicist who developed a number of fundamental results in the field of quantum theory, proposed in 1935 his famous thought experiment which used the example of a cat simultaneously both alive and dead to explain the concept of a quantum superposition.

“In our present world, a person can only be here or there,” Pan said, “but in the quantum world, a person can be both here and there. This is what we call entanglement.”

Such an explanation only serves to make quantum mechanics more incomprehensible to the uninitiated. Yet China has taken the lead in turning this knowledge into practical use, launching a satellite for quantum communication in August 2016.

The QUESS satellite is named for Micius, a 5th-century B.C. Chinese philosopher, in homage to his seminal early writings on the theory of optics. Five ground stations have been built across China to cooperate with the Micius satellite, which orbits the Earth at an altitude of 500 km.




