
关于电气设备论文范文资料 与电气设备短路对舰艇电站暂态稳定性的影响有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:电气设备范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-04-21


摘 要: 对舰艇电站在电气设备短路下的暂态稳定性分析,实现舰艇电站电气设备的短路故障分析和诊断,构建舰艇电站电气设备平面线圈磁场分布下的等效电路模型.采取磁共振模式进行电气设备短路下的输出功率与效率的计算,通过对舰艇电站系统输出效率的差异性特征分析,实现对电气设备短路条件下的舰艇电站暂态稳定性测试和分析,通过测试电站输出的电压增益、电流增益、功率因数、效率等参量实现对舰艇电站的带载能力评估.测试结果表明,对舰艇电站暂态稳定性进行测试,通过所提方法进行稳定性调节和电机优化设计控制,能使得电压增益稳定和输出功率稳定在较高的水平,电机效率和负载较高,提高了舰艇电站电气设备系统的稳定性.

关键词: 电气设备; 短路; 舰艇电站; 暂态稳定性

中图分类号: TN948?34; TM461 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2017)10?0111?03

Abstract: The transient stability of the nal ship power station in the case of electrical equipment short circuit is analyzed to realize the short circuit fault analysis and diagnosis of electrical equipments of nal ship power station. The equivalent circuit model of electrical equipments in nal ship power station under the planar coil magnetic field distribution was constructed. The magnetic resonance mode is used to calculate the output power and efficiency of electrical equipments in the case of short circuit. The difference characteristics of the system output efficiency of the nal ship power station is analyzed to test and analyze the transient stability of the nal ship power station in the case of electrical equipment short circuit. The loading capacity of the nal ship power station is evaluated by means of test of the voltage gain, current gain, power gain, efficiency and other parameters output by the power station. The transient stability of the nal ship power station was tested. The test results show that the method makes the voltage gain, output power, motor efficiency and load stabilized in the high level by adjusting the stability and performing the motor optimization design and control to improve the stability of the electrical equipments of nal ship power station.

Keywords: electrical equipment; short circuit; nal ship power station; transient stability

0 引 言


1 舰艇电机输出功率与效率的计算

在构建舰艇电站电气设备平面线圈磁场分布下的等效电路模型的基础上,采取磁共振模式进行电气设备短路下的输出功率与效率的计算[3].本文中舰艇电站采用的是感应电机.感应电机的暂态稳定性分析的约束参数主要包括:舰船综合电力供电的极对数[P],变电系统的极弧系数[β],储能系统磁极厚度[lm],推进电机转子/定子的高耦合系数[ly],谐振工作点绕组厚度[lw]、配电系统的输出功率[lg],转子半径[rr],电流密度[Jcu],电磁转矩[ls]、定/转子轴向长度(通常用细长比[λ等于dbls]表示,其中[db等于2(rr+lg)).]定义电机系统的绕组截面积为:[Aw等于πlw(2rr+2lg+lw)].为了保证得到稳定和干扰较小的电压,电源芯片选用TPS767HD301进行舰艇电机输出电压的滤波,电机的功率输出要求包括额定电磁转矩[Tem]和额定旋转角速度[ωr],TPS767HD301输出为3.3 V和1.6 V,得到电机的输出电压方程为:








