
关于纤维素酶论文范文资料 与3种三萜类化合物对黄胸散白蚁生物活性纤维素酶影响有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:纤维素酶范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-04-07


摘 要:为明确马缨丹叶片中分离提纯的马缨丹酸、马缨丹烯A和马缨丹烯B 3种三萜类化合物对白蚁的毒杀活性及对其体内纤维素酶的影响,采用滤纸片饲喂法测定了3种化合物对黄胸散白蚁的毒杀作用,并用酶标仪测定了不同浓度、不同处理时间白蚁体内内切葡聚糖酶(EG)、外切葡聚糖酶(CBH)、β-葡萄糖苷酶(BGL)活性.结果表明,3种三萜类化合物对白蚁具有一定的毒杀作用.酶活性测定表明,不同浓度马缨丹酸处理黄胸散白蚁12~72 h,白蚁体内的EG、CBH、BGL活性均有不同程度的变化,其对白蚁体内EG活性总体有抑制作用,2 mg/mL在12~36 h抑制作用最为显著;对CBH活性则有一定的促进作用,2 mg/mL 对CBH活性促进作用较为明显,但和对照相比差异不显著;对BGL活性则表现为抑制作用.马缨丹烯B和马缨丹烯A对黄胸散白蚁体内3种酶活性均表现为抑制作用,且随浓度的增大抑制作用显著.因此,3种三萜类化合物对黄胸散白蚁体内的纤维素酶活性均有一定影响,尤其是马缨丹烯B、A抑制作用较强,它们对3种酶活性的影响和浓度和时间有关.



Effects of 3 Triterpenoids on Bioactivity and Cellulase

Activity of Reticulitermes flaviceps (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae)

Xu Weili, Han Meng, Yuan Zhonglin

(College of Plant Health and Medicine, Qingdao Agricultural University/Key Laboratory of

Integrated Crop Pest Management of Shandong Province, Qingdao 266109, China)

AbstractIn order to define the bioactivity and effects on the cellulose activity of termite, three triterpenoids, lantanolic acid, lantadene A and B, which isolated and purified from leaves of Lantana camara, were used to feed Reticulitermes flaviceps by filter paper method. The activities of 3 enzymes of endo-1,4-β-glucanase (EG), exo-β-1,4-glucanase(CBH) and β-1,4-glucosidase (BGL) in termite were tested with ELIASA at different concentrations and treatment times. The results showed that the 3 triterpenoids all had certain toxic activity on termite. The enzyme activity test showed that EG, CBH and BGL all had different changes when treated with lantanolic acid for 12~72 hours. In general, lantanolic acid had an inhibitory effect on EG, and it was significant at the concentration of 2 mg/mL in 12~36 hours. Lantanolic acid had certain active effect on CBH, and the effect of 2 mg/mL was more obvious, but it was not significantly different compared with control. On BGL, lantanolic acid showed an inhibitory effect. Lantadene A and B showed inhibitory effects on all three kinds of enzymes, and the inhibitory effects became significant with the increase of concentration. Therefore, three triterpenoids all had certain effects on the cellulase activity in Reticulitermes flaviceps which depended on the concentration and treatment time, especially the inhibitory effect of lantadene B and A.

KeywordsLantana camara; Lantanolic acid; Lantadene A; Lantadene B; Reticulitermes flaviceps; Cellulase; Bioactivity

白蟻(termite)是世界性五大害虫(须舌蝇、蜱、蚊子、粘虫和白蚁)之一,总数不少于2 500种,遍布全世界,特别是热带、亚热带国家,为害面积约占全球总面积的50%[1].白蚁为害十分广泛,如房屋建筑、园林绿化苗木、铁道枕木、船舶桥梁、江河堤围、水库土坝、地下电缆、经济林木、名胜古迹、仓库物资、文物档案、家具衣服、室内装饰物等.不仅如此,白蚁对非纤维素物质如塑料、橡胶、沥青、金属等也常常进行蛀蚀为害.在美国,每年因地下白蚁为害造成的损失和维修建筑费用已超过火灾、地震、龙卷风和其它自然灾害损失的总和[2].


