
关于帕金森病论文范文资料 与帕金森病患者认知功能和MRI变化相关性分析有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:帕金森病范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-02-17



[摘 要] 目的 就帕金森患者的认知功能和其MRI变化两者间存在的关联性展开分析.方法 方便选取2016年6—10月内蒙古民族大学附属医院救治的140例帕金森患者作为观察组、80名健康志愿者作为对照组展开MMSE量表、神经心理学评估、BEAM频谱分析、MRI脑影像学检查. 结果 相较于正常对照组、非痴呆组,帕金森痴呆组的神经心理学各项评分更低其痴呆组的认知功能障碍更大,且痴呆组的快波(β1、β2 频段)的相对功率谱都呈现出更为明显的下降趋势,慢波(δ、θ频段)相对功率谱呈现出显著增加趋势,δ段正常对照组为(5.11±4.23)、非痴呆组(10.08 ±9.16)、痴呆组(22.98±21.03);认知障碍组颞叶、额叶的皮质和皮质下萎缩程度显著提高,此外其合并脑白质疏松症更加显著,MMSE评分中PD 合并 LA 组仅为(18.03±5.32)分,而PD 无 LA 组为(24.81±4.61)分,正常对照组为(26.78±6.03)分;差异有统计学意义(P<0.05). 结论 帕金森患者脑影像学显示的额颞叶皮质萎缩、δ波功率、皮质下机构萎缩程度、抑郁与其认知功能障碍存在着密切的联系.

[关键词] PD;认知功能;MMSE;MRI

[中图分类号] R4 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2017)03(a)-0022-04

Analysis of Correlation between the Cognitive Function and MRI Change of Patients with Parkinson Disease

MA Hong-lei, BAI Xing-yu, BU Fan-yan

Department of Neurology, Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia University for the Nationalities, Tongliao, Inner Mongolia, 028000 China

[Abstract] Objective To analyze the correlation between the cognitive function and MRI change of patients with Parkinson disease. Methods 140 cases of patients with Parkinson disease in our hospital from June to October 2016 were selected as the observation group and 80 cases of healthy volunteers were conveniently selected as the control group, and both groups were given the MMSE scale and neuropsychology evaluation, BEAM spectrum analysis and MRI brain imaging examination. Results Various scores of neuropsychology in the non-dementia group and Parkinson disease group were higher than those in the normal control group, and the relative power spectrum of fast wave (β1 and β2 frequency channels) obviously decreased, but the slow wave (δ and θfrequency channels) obviously increased, and δ frequency channel in the normal control group, non-dementia group and dementia group was respectively (5.11±4.23), (10.08 ±9.16) and (22.98±21.03), and the MMSE score in the PD with LA group was only(18.03±5.32)points but in the PD without LA group was(24.81 ±4.61)points and(26.78 ±6.03)points in the normal control group, and the difference had statistical significance(P<0.05). Conclusion The imaging of patients with Parkinson disease shows that the frontotemporal cortical atrophy, δwave power, cortical atrophy degree, depression is closely related to the cognitive function disorder.

[Key words] PD; Cognitive function; MMSE; MRI









