
关于肺炎链球菌论文范文资料 与肺炎链球菌临床分离株的药物敏感性分析有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:肺炎链球菌范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-03-30


【摘 要】 目的 研究肺炎鏈球菌(SPN)临床分离株的药物敏感性.方法 选取临床标本分离, 其中肺炎链球菌130株.按一般方法对各种标本进行分离和培养;使用纸片扩散法对细菌进行药物敏感性测定, 包括万古霉素(VA)、利奈唑胺(LZD)、左氧氟沙星(LEV)、红霉素(E)、克林霉素(DA)、四环素(TE)、复方新诺明(SXT);使用E-test对青霉素(P)和头孢噻肟(CTX)的最低抑菌浓度(MIC)进行测定.结果 130株肺炎链球菌中, VA、LZD、CTX的耐药菌株分别为0、0、0株, *菌株分别为0、0、0株, 敏感菌株分别为130、130、130株, 耐药率分别为0、0、0;P、 LEV的耐药菌株分别为10、1株, *菌株分别为5、4株, 敏感菌株分别为115、125株, 耐药率分别为7.69%、0.77%;TE、SXT、E、DA的耐药菌株分别为105、91、110、110株, *菌株分别为8、9、10、7株, 敏感菌株分别为17、30、10、13株, 耐药率分别为80.77%、70.00%、84.62%、84.62%.结论 肺炎链球菌对VA、LZD及CTX保持高度的敏感性, 危重患者临床上可首先选用;对P、 LEV保持一定的耐药性, 临床上应结合细菌药敏试验选用;对TE、SXT、E、DA保持较高的耐药性, 临床上可减少使用.了解肺炎链球菌对相关抗生素的耐药性, 可为临床用药提供依据.

【关键词】 肺炎链球菌;临床分离株;药物敏感性;耐药性


Drug sensitivity analysis of clinical isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae XU Jie-ling. Department of Clinical Laboratory, Huizhou Huidong County People’s Hospital, Huizhou 516300, China

【Abstract】 Objective To study the drug sensitivity of clinical isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae (SPN). Methods 130 strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae were isolated from clinical specimens. The specimens were isolated and cultured according to the general method. The disk diffusion method was used to determine the drug sensitivity of bacteria, including vancomycin (VA), linezolid (LZD), levofloxacin (LEV), erythromycin (E) and clindamycin (DA), tetracycline (TE), compound sulfamethoxazole (SXT). The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of penicillin (P) and cefotaxime (CTX) was determined by E-test. Results In 130 strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae resistant strains, the VA, LZD, CTX were respectively 0, 0 and 0 strain, intermediate strains were respectively 0, 0 , 0 strain, sensitive strains were respectively 130, 130 and 130 strains, and resistance rates were respectively 0, 0, 0. For P and LEV, the resistant strains were respectively 10 and 1 strain, intermediate strains were respectively 5, 4 strains, sensitive strains were respectively 115, 125 strains, and resistance rates were respectively 7.69%, 0.77%. For TE, SXT, E, DA, the resistant strains were respectively 105, 91, 110, 110 strains, intermediate strains were respectively 8, 9, 10, 7 strains, sensitive strains were respectively 17, 30, 10, 13 strains, and resistance rates were respectively 80.77%, 70.00%, 84.62%, 84.62%. Conclusion Streptococcus pneumoniae remain highly sensitive to VA, LZD and CTX, and can be the first choice of clinical critical patients. It maintains a certain resistance to P, LEV, and clinical selection should be combined with bacterial susceptibility testing. It maintains a high resistance to TE, SXT, E, DA, and clinical use can be reduced. Understanding the resistance of Streptococcus pneumoniae to the relevant antibiotics, can provide the basis for clinical medication.


