
关于吉木乃县论文范文资料 与阿勒泰吉木乃县少数民族甲亢相关危险因素分析有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:吉木乃县范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-03-28


【摘 要】 目的 调查阿勒泰吉木乃县少数民族甲状腺功能亢进症(甲亢)患病率, 探讨诱发甲亢的相关危险因素.方法 对阿勒泰吉木乃县阿尔恰勒村84户(328例)常住居民行入户调查, 并回顾甲状腺疾病相关辅助检查, 分析甲亢疾病发生的相关因素.结果 甲亢58例, 甲状腺功能减退症(甲减)

22例,甲状腺腺瘤97例, 结节性甲状腺肿93例, 甲状腺炎8例, 甲状腺癌1例, 当地甲亢发病率较高.甲亢患者中汉族11例(18.97%)、哈族39例(67.24%)、维族2例(3.45%)、回族6例(10.34%), 哈族患者最多.甲亢发生的相关危险因素为:性别、年龄、心理压力、饮食习惯、加碘盐食用情况、理化物质接触、烟酒嗜好、甲状腺疾病病史、甲状腺疾病家族史(P<0.05).结论 吉木乃县甲亢患者发病率较高, 其中哈族占比最高, 碘摄入过量可能是导致当地哈族人群发生甲亢的最主要因素.

【关键词】 少数民族;甲状腺功能亢进症;调查;临床分析


【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the prevalence of hyperthyroidi in Minority nationality in Jimunai County of Aletai Province, and discuss the related risk factors of hyperthyroidi. Methods A survey was conducted on 84 households (328 cases) in the village of Alcazar in Jimunai County of Aletai Province, and restrospectively analysis was made on relevant auxiliary examination of thyroid diseases, so as to analyze the related factors of thyroid disease. Results Research shows that there were 58 hyperthyroidi cases, 22 hypothyroidi cases, 97 thyroid adenoma cases, 93 nodular goiter cases, 8 thyroiditis cases, 1 thyroid carcinoma case. The incidence of hyperthyroidi was the highest in the locality. There were 11 cases (18.97%) in Han nationality, 39 cases (67.24%) in Kazak nationality and 6 cases (10.34%) in Hui nationality among hyperthyroidi patients, and Kazak nationality had the most patients. Risk factor related to hyperthyroidi were gender, age, psychological stress, eating habits, iodized salt consumption, physicochemical exposure, alcohol and tobacco hobbies, thyroid disease history and family history of thyroid disease (P<0.05), Conclusion The incidence of hyperthyroidism is high in Jimunai County, and the proportion of Kazak nationality is the highest. Excessive iodine intake may be the main factor leading to the occurrence of hyperthyroidism in local Kazakh population.

【Key words】 Minority nationality; Hyperthyroidi; Survey; Clinical analysis

我國有超过2亿甲状腺病患者, 其中约1000万例甲亢患者, 9000万例甲减患者, 超过1亿例甲状腺结节及甲状腺癌患者[1-3].甲亢患病率由0.5%上升到3.7%, 甲减的患病率也已上升至6.5%[4].本文对阿勒泰吉木乃地区不同民族甲亢发病率情况进行调查, 现报告如下.

1 资料与方法

1. 1 一般资料 收集在阿勒泰吉木乃县阿尔恰勒村居住≥10年84户(328例)居民的相关资料, 其中女169例, 男159例, 平均年龄(58.9±33.7)岁.调查对象均自愿配合调查, 无重大疾病与传染病, 无疫区疫水接触史, 无外地久居史.

1. 2 方法

1. 2. 1 使用自制问卷调查各项资料.抽取禁食12 h静脉血, 检测各项血液指标.留取空腹晨尿5 ml, 放置4℃冰箱保存.

1. 2. 2 甲状腺疾病诊断 ①甲状腺疾病诊断标准参照《中国甲状腺疾病诊治指南》.②糖代谢紊乱诊断标准参照国际糖尿病专家委员会标准.③高血压的诊断标准参照WHO高血压联盟诊断标准.④吸烟定义为至少吸1支/d, 连续吸6个月或以上.饮酒定义为平均每周饮用1次.⑤体质量指数(BMI)等于体重(kg)/身高(m2);腰臀围比值(WHR)等于腰围(cm)/臀围(cm).⑥膳食调查[5-8].



