
关于精神障碍论文范文资料 与颅脑创伤后所致精神障碍相关危险因素分析有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:精神障碍范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-02-10


【摘 要】 目的 探讨分析颅脑创伤后所致精神障碍相关危险因素.方法 80例颅脑创伤患者为研究对象, 根据患者有无精神障碍分为精神障碍组与无精神障碍组, 通过单因素和多因素分析确定颅脑创伤后所致精神障碍的相关危险因素.结果 80例患者中, 发生精神障碍53例(精神障碍组), 未发生精神障碍27例(无精神障碍组).单因素分析显示, 两组患者性别、年龄、文化程度比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).精神障碍组患者的家庭满意度低于无精神障碍组, 额叶或颞叶损伤、脑损伤范围≥3 cm、颅脑损伤程度为重度与特重度、合并其他障碍的例数均多于无精神障碍组, 差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).多因素分析顯示, 家庭满意度、额叶或颞叶损伤、脑损伤范围≥3 cm、颅脑损伤程度(重度与特重度)、合并其他障碍是颅脑创伤患者发生精神障碍的危险因素(P<0.05).结论 家庭满意度低、额叶或颞叶损伤、脑损伤范围≥3 cm、颅脑损伤程度严重及合并其他障碍是颅脑创伤后所致精神障碍的危险因素, 在临床工作中, 应当全面的评估患者创伤的范围与程度, 注意精神障碍及其他障碍的早发现、早治疗, 指导患者家属加强家庭关怀, 降低精神障碍发生风险.

【关键词】 颅脑创伤;精神障碍;危险因素;满意度;损伤程度


Analysis of related risk factors of mental disorders caused by craniocerebral trauma CHEN Guo-yong, CHEN Xue-hua, FENG Wei-wen, et al. Department of Neurosurgery, Guangdong Province Dongguan City Fifth People’s Hospital (Medical College of Jinan University Affiliated Dongguan Hospital), Dongguan 523905, China

【Abstract】 Objective To explore and analyze the related risk factors of mental disorders caused by craniocerebral trauma. Methods A total of 80 craniocerebral trauma patients as study subjects were divided by presence of mental disorders into mental disorders group and non mental disorders group, and related risk factors of mental disorders caused by craniocerebral trauma were ensured by single factor analysis and multiple-factor analysis. Results Among 80 patients, there were 53 cases with mental disorders (mental disorders group), and 27 cases without mental disorders (non mental disorders group). Single factor analysis showed that both groups had no statistically significant difference in gender, age and education degree (P>0.05). Mental disorders group had lower family satiaction degree than non mental disorders group, and more cases of frontal or temporal lobe damage, brain damage scope ≥3 cm, severe or extremely severe craniocerebral injury and complicated with other disorders than non mental disorders group, and their difference had statistical significance (P<0.05). Multiple-factor analysis showed that family satisfaction degree, frontal or temporal lobe damage, brain damage scope ≥3 cm, craniocerebral injury degree (severe and extremely severe) and complicated with other disorders were risk factors of mental disorders in craniocerebral trauma patients (P<0.05). Conclusion Family satisfaction degree, frontal or temporal lobe damage, brain damage scope ≥3 cm, craniocerebral injury degree and complicated with other disorders were risk factors of mental disorders caused by craniocerebral trauma. In clinical work, it is necessary to comprehensively assess the extent and degree of trauma, pay attention to early detection and early treatment of mental disorders and other disorders, and guide family members to strengthen family care, so as to reduce the risk of mental disorders.








