
关于道生论文范文资料 与老子由道生到和的境界有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:道生范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-02-06


摘 要:老子以“道”解释宇宙万物的演变,用“道生万物”表达其玄妙的哲理.他指出“道”乃“夫莫之命(命令)而常自然”,因而“人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然”.老子强调阴阳的调和,反对追求某方面的极端.老子提出的“道”与“和”的观念相互交织与补充,升华了单纯的“和”的思想,使得其适用面更广,并且形成了以他为始祖的一套道家体系.老子认为,“道”生长万物,“德”养育万物,但“道”和“德”并不干涉万物,而是顺其自然.“德”是“道”的化身,是“道”的人世间的具体作用.在此基础上,文章介绍了“道”的由来:“道”最初的意思是道路,之后逐渐引申发展出了道理的含义,用来表达事物的规律性.这一演化,经历了相当长的一段时间.紧接着概述了老子“道”理论的衍生过程:“道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物.”由“道”这种无形之物衍生出有形的“一”,然后再从单个的“一”分裂成为相互对立的“二”;接下来,相互对立的两者相互作用,由“二”到“三”,由对立的两个事物衍生出多个事物;然后,老子引进了“冲气”与“和”来解释道生万物的原理以及它所带来的启示.最后,由上述的思想向更高的境界过渡,即“和”,而其中最为关键的思想就是天人合一.老子认为,虽然世界的自然万物中存在着很多相互矛盾的对立体,并且这些矛盾相互依存、相互转化,但最终还是要归于一体的.所以,他一再使用“一”,也表明他认为矛盾和对立总要归于统一,即达到所谓“和”的境界.


Abstract: Laozi explained the universe evolution with “Tao”, and interpreted the universe philosophy as “Tao generates everything”. He pointed out that “Tao” is “No command,but natural”, so “man must conform to the earth, earth to heen, heen to Tao and Tao to nature”. He emphasized the harmony of yin and yang, opposed the pursuit of an extreme of a particular aspect. The interweing and supplement of Lao zis ideas “Tao” and “He” enrich the connotation and broaden the application of “He”, and thus constitute the foundation of the Taoist system. Lao zi held that “Tao” generates and “De” breeds all beings, but they do not interfere with anything. “De” is the embodiment and the concrete effect of “Tao”. The paper introduces the origin of “Tao”. Its original meaning, “road”, gradually extends to refer to “reason”, used to mean the regularity of things. The evolution in meaning has gone through a long period of time. Then the paper introduces the derivative process of Lao zis theory: “Tao” is the originator of undivided universe; the universe gives rise to Yin and Yang which give rise to heen, earth, and people, and they give rise to all the worldly things. From “Tao”, the invisible thing, derives the tangible “one”, then from the single “one” derives the opposing “two”, and then from the interaction of the “two” derives the “three”, and finally come all things. Lao zi introduced concepts of “Chonqi” and “He” to explain the principles of Taoi and its revelation. “He” is a higher level of ideology, and the most critical idea of “He” is the harmony of man and nature. Lao zi held that although there are many contradictions in all beings of the world, they are interdependent and can tranorm to each other; ultimately, they are to be integrated. Therefore, Lao zi repeatedly employed the concept of “one”, suggesting he believed that contradictions and opposites will be finally replaced by unity to achieve the so?called “He”.








