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版权:原创标记原创 主题:MoChuChengZhen范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-03-08


Literal Meaning: Rub a pestle into a needle. Metaphorical Meaning: With will and perseverance, one could overcome any obstacle.

Li Bai, a famous poet in Tang Dynasty, was playful and not like learning when he was young.

In order to teach him to become a useful person, his farther sent him to a school to study.

However, those Chinese classic texts were so hard to study. Therefore, Li Bai did not like to read and often played outside the school.

One day, Li Bai did not go to school. He went to a small river to play. Suddenly, he found an old lady squatting beside a stone and kept grinding a iron bar.

Li Bai was so curious. He went to the old lady and asked,“what are you doing, Grandma?”

“I’m grinding a needle.” She answered.

“Grinding a needle? Using such a thick iron bar? When can the needle be made?” Li Bai said.

The old lady told him, “Although the iron bar is thick, I keep grinding, one day it will become a needle.”

Li Bai was touched. He thought, “That’s right. If I keep learning, one day I will become knowledgeable.” Then, he returned to the school.

After that, he studied hard and become a famous poet.




