
关于box论文范文资料 与MyPencil—box我文具盒有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:box范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-04-02


I have a very beautiful pencil-book. I like it very much.

One day six years ago, when I was in the primary school, my mother took me to a shop to buy the pencil-box. I still remember that first I saw a beautiful and big one, but it was not strong enough. I didn’t like it at all. Then we continued to look for another pencil-box. Suddenly I saw a very small but nice one, and it was also stronger than others. So I was very glad to have it, on which we spent only five yuan.

I looked at the pencil-box carefully. There were two cats and some mice on it. The cats didn’t want to eat the mice. They seemed to be very friendly. They even played together happily. How funny!

Since I had the pencil-box, I could put my articles for study such as rubber, ball pens, knife, and ruler in it. When I did my lessons or homework, I could use some of them freely. Since then I wasn’t afraid to lose them any longer. The box became my good friend. How good and convenient!

Now I am in Grade Seven. The pencil-box is still with me. The picture of cats and mice can’t be seen any more, but it doesn’t matter. It is even much nicer. It has given me a lot of help in my study. Though there are more things in it than before, it didn’t make any word of complaint. Oh, what a good, honest and quiet friend!I can get on very well with it forever.









