
关于ILikeCollectingStamps论文范文资料 与ILikeCollectingStamps有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:ILikeCollectingStamps范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-02-24


I like collecting stamps. This hobby was inspired by my uncle. He works in Xi’an, and he likes writing letters to us. On every envelope, there is a beautiful stamp. My mom asks me to keep them. My favorite stamp is the one with a dog on it. Dogs are my favorite animals. I get to know many interesting places and countries because of stamp collecting.

Stamp collecting helps me with study. I like geography now and I’m very good at it. And also because of stamp collecting,I want to learn English well and go to visit the places on stamps.

Now it’s difficult to get stamps, because people don’t write letters often. People like using emails. Emails are fast, and they make communication easy. People think letters are too slow. Someday people will not need stamps. Maybe in 50 years, my stamps will be antiques (古董)!Do you think so?




