
关于王奕论文范文资料 与王奕讲设计高级研修系列课程第二单元苏州圆满落幕有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:王奕范文 科目:论文参考文献 2024-01-25


2016年6月24日– 26日,“王奕讲设计”高级研修系列课程的第二单元在苏州新城花园酒店连开三天,圆满结束.此次苏州课程,王奕老师不仅亲自授课,而且安排全班同学参观 堂位于苏州的两家精品酒店,即山塘人家和探花府,亲身体验室内设计之道.本次课程更邀请了山塘人家的设计师 邵华波先生及探花府的设计师骆敏卉女士,以《精品酒店的江南文化语境》为主题,针对各自的作品做出精彩讲解,内容充实令人难忘.


On June 24–26, 2016, the 2nd unit of "Wang Yi Talks About Design" Advanced Seminar Series took place in New City Garden Hotel, Suzhou. Lecturer Wang Yi not only taught in person, but also arranged the whole class a tour of Shantang and Tanhuafu, the two boutique hotels of Blossom Hill Inn to experience the concept of interior design personally. Moreover, the class invited Mr. Shao Huabo, the designer of Shantang, and Ms. Luo Minhui, the designer of Tanhuafu, to give detailed speeches of their work under the theme "Boutique Hotel in South-China Cultural Context" which was memorable.

Mr. Wang Yi"s design curriculum was unique in emphasizing the importance of reality to concept. Through practical project cases, space styles, design factors and procedures were examined, design philosophy was revealed and new trends as well as the localization of international interior design were discussed. Meanwhile, everyone was encouraged to participate in the classroom brainstorming. Group assignments based on real projects in city food bar, hotel guestroom and residential villas came at the end to share the wisdom of each other and consolidate the achievement of this three-day course.




