
关于中俄论文范文资料 与俄罗斯东部开发:中俄合作的视角有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:中俄范文 科目:电大论文 2024-03-15


Developing the Siberia and Far East region and revitalizing Russia has been a common aspiration for generations of Russians. Mikhail Lomonosov, the great Russian scholar of the 18th century, once predicted that “Russia’s power will grow with Siberia.” Vladimir Putin, the Russian President who has embraced the dream of a strong Russia, has adopted the strategic choice of “Look East” shortly after retaking power in the face of complex geopolitical and economic pressures. Marked by the APEC summit in Vladivostok in 2012, Russia once again trumpeted developing Siberia and the Far East. Being an all-round strategic partner of Russia, China’s active participation in the development of Siberia and the Russian Far East will further release the potential of bilateral economic and geopolitical complementarities, and usher in a new chapter of deepening practical cooperation and common development for the two countries.

Geopolitical and Economic Significance

Siberia and the Russian Far East has a population of 30 million and its land area accounts for 75% of the Russian Federation’s territory, with 50~80% of Russia’s total critical strategic resources. In mid-20th century, the strategy for developing Siberia and the Russian Far East heralded by the Soviet Union registered significant achievements and attracted worldwide attention. Nevertheless, the development efforts that followed he made little progress due to serious problems and constraints arising from both domestic and international situations. The sluggish growth of Siberia and the Russian Far East not only encumbered Russia’s overall development, but also triggered potential socio-economic crises. The commissioning of a new-round of development for Siberia and the Far East at the turn of the new century is not only an inheritance from its history, it also follows the trends of the time and the needs of regional development.

Providing new growth engine for sustainable socio-economic development in the Asia-Pacific. Siberia and the Russian Far East remains one of the few treasure chests of natural resources not fully exploited. The energy reserve in the region is estimated to be more than one-third of the world’s total. Among them, oil is estimated to account for one-fifth to one-fourth, natural gas for more than one-third, and coal for approximately one-half. The region also harbors abundant mineral resources with the iron ore reserve estimated at 8.9 billion tons and proved reserves of copper, aluminum, lead, zinc, nickel, tungsten and mercury registering the highest in the world. The Magadan Oblast and the Sakha Republic in the Far East are also Russia’s major gold producing areas. The area of forest resources in the region reaches 764 million hectares, accounting for about 83% of Russia’s total. The region is also rich in water, land, animal and plant resources as well as potential tourist resources. Russia has for a long time had quite limited economic interactions and cooperation with Asia-Pacific economies, and its influence in the region has declined in the wake of the Soviet collapse. Compared with the fast-growing adjacent Asia-Pacific region, Siberia and the Russian Far East has in reality become a conce in terms of development. The “Look East” strategy may enable Russia’s abundant resources to connect with the capital and technology of the Asia-Pacific economies, and help Russia tap the Asia-Pacific market to promote accelerated growth of its eastern area. Countries in the region can also enjoy immediate access to energy resources for their development.




