
关于抗震性能论文范文资料 与性能增强再生混凝土框架中节点抗震性能试验有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:抗震性能范文 科目:发表论文 2024-02-08


摘 要:为提高再生混凝土框架结构中节点的抗震性能,利用微硅粉和混杂纤维对再生混凝土进行性能增强,对4根相同轴压比、配筋率和再生骨料取代率条件下,不同微硅粉和混杂纤维掺量的框架柱中节点进行低周反复荷载下的抗震性能试验,对比研究普通再生混凝土和性能增强再生混凝土的破坏形态、滞回特性、延性性能、耗能特性以及变形特点等问题.试验结果表明:性能增强再生混凝土节点破坏过程均经历了初裂、通裂、极限和破坏四个特征阶段;在破坏形态、滞回曲线、延性性能、节点变形及耗能特性方面,性能增强再生混凝土均优于普通再生混凝土,尤其在破坏形态和延性方面表现突出;微硅粉和混杂纤维含量的提高,性能增强效果有下降趋势;经微硅粉和混杂纤维性能增强再生混凝土节点抗震性能明显提高,可在有抗震设防要求地区的结构中使用.


中图分类号:TU375.3文献标识码:AExperimental Study on Seismic Behavior of Interior Joints

(School of Civil Engineering, Xi’an Univ of Architecture and Technology, Xi’an, Shaanxi710055, China)Abstract:In order to improve seismic performance of interior joints in the recycled concrete frame structures, silica powder and hybrid fiber were used to improve the seismic performance of recycled concrete. Under the same axial compression ratio, and with the same reinforcement ratio and recycled aggregate replacement ratio, four interiorjoints of the frame columns were manufactured by different amount of silicon powder and hybrid fiber. Low cyclic lateral loading tests were performed to study and compare the failure mode, hysteretic behavior, ductility, energy dissipation, and deformation characteristics between the common recycled concrete and enhanced recycled concrete. The test results show that the recycled concrete interiorjoints experienced four stages including initial crack, general crack, ultimate state, and damage. Meanwhile, the performance of enhanced recycled concrete is superior to that of common recycled concrete, such as the failure pattern, hysteresis curve, ductility performance, deformation, and energy dissipation, especially in terms of failure pattern and ductility. Additionally, with the increase of silicon powder and mixed fiber content, the improvement effect has a downward trend, while due to the application of silicon powder mixed with hybrid fiber, the seismic performance of the recycled concrete interiorjoints is obviously improved. Therefore, this enhanced recycled concrete can be applied to the structures in the seismic fortification regions.

Key words:enhancements recycled aggregate concrete; interiorjoints; seismic performance; microsilica; hybrid fiber; low cyclic loads

伴随着建筑业的篷勃发展,建筑垃圾造成了严重的环境污染,大量宝贵的土地资源被占用,为了缓解这种资源和环境的矛盾,再生混凝土的开发利用成为了热点研究问题[1].再生骨料(recycled aggregate, RA)是由废弃混凝土经过清洗、破碎、筛分等工序加工而成,将其部分或全部替换天然骨料制成再生混凝土[2].目前,国内外学者对再生混凝土材料性能和构件力学性能做了大量研究,针对再生混凝土框架节点的報道较少[3-5].Corinaldesi V等[6]进行了低周反复荷载下再生混凝土梁柱节点的抗震性能试验;周点龙等[7]在RAC中掺入粉煤灰进行了两榀框架边节点试验,结果表明:粉煤灰对节点破坏形态、承载能力、延性指标和耗能能力影响较小,但可改善再生混凝土的抗碳化和抗冻融性等;柳炳康等[8]研究表明:箍筋数量的增多可显著提高再生混凝土节点核心区受剪承载力;白国良等[9]研究表明:再生混凝土节点抗震性能和骨料取代率无明显关系,但由于再生骨料初始损伤的存在,普通混凝土框架节点抗震性能优于再生混凝土框架节点;肖建庄[10]研究了再生混凝土边节点的抗震性能,结果表明:随着取代率的提高,再生混凝土节点抗震性能逐渐降低,但其力学性能、破坏形式等特点和普通混凝土节点类似,当再生骨料取代率为100%时,仍能满足抗震需求.


