
关于妇幼保健院论文范文资料 与宜宾市区县妇幼保健院医院感染管理现状分析和有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:妇幼保健院范文 科目:发表论文 2024-01-24


[摘 要] 目的 调查宜宾市区县妇幼保健院的医院感染管理状况,探讨解决办法.方法 对宜宾市区域范围内10所区县级妇幼保健院,采取实地调查、查阅资料、抽查病历、现场考试等方法获取各妇幼保健院在医院感染管理方面的资料,进行统计分析.结果 10所妇幼保健院都设有医院感染 管理体系.80%的保健院院感委员会人员组成不合理,医院感染管理人员持证率20%,专职率20%.院感全院全员培训率10%.开展目标性监测20%.医院感染管理存在的主要问题是医院感染管理组织不健全、基础设施差,培训不到位. 结论 宜宾市区县级妇幼保健院医院均有医院感染管理意识,但管理人员缺乏相应的院感知识和能力,医院基础设施普遍差.须引起管理部门的重视,加大对妇幼保健院基础建设的投入力度,加强医院感染管理培训和监管.

[关键词] 妇幼保健院; 医院感染管理; 现状;对策

[中图分类号] R19 [文献标识码] A [文章編号] 1672-5654(2017)03(a)-0135-03

[Abstract] Objective To investigate the hospital infection management status of Yibin District and county maternal and child healthcare hospital and discuss the solutions. Methods 10 Yibin district and county maternal and child healthcare hospitals were selected and the data of hospital infection management in the maternal and child healthcare hospital was obtained by the field investigation, access to data, medical records check and on-site examination methods. Results All the maternal and child healthcare hospitals had the hospital infection third-level management system, and the rate of certificate keepers was 20% and full-time rate was 20%, and the training rate was 10% and targeted monitoring rate was 20%, and the major issues of hospital infection management were the unsound hospital infection management organization, bad infrastructures and insufficient training. Conclusion All the Yibin district and county maternal and child healthcare hospitals have the hospital infection management awareness, but the management staff lack the corresponding the hospital infection knowledge and ability, and the hospital infrastructures are popularly poor, and the management department should pay attention to it, increase the input force of infrastructures in the maternal and child healthcare hospital and enhance the hospital infection management training and monitoring.

[Key words] Maternal and child healthcare hospital; Hospital infection management; Status; Strategy


1 资料和方法

1.1 一般资料

以四川省宜宾市10家区县级妇幼保健院为研究对象 ,调查10所妇幼保健院的医院感染管理专职、*人员共13名.

1.2 方法


1.3 统计方法

文章对数据的处理采用SPSS 18.0统计学软件,计数资料用百分比(%)来表示,以P<0.05为差异有统计学的意义.

2 结果

2.1 房屋条件

宜宾市区县保健院业务用房总面积在2 000~3 000 m2、3 000~4 000 m2、4 000 m2 以上分别是40%、50%和10%.80%的保健院房屋条件及设施设备不达标.90%的保健院产房总面积<100 m2,70%的保健院手术室使用面积不符合标准.从流程布局看,产房、手术室三区三通道设置规范的保健院占10%.没有隔离产房、隔离手术室、隔离人流室和无菌物品存放间的保健院分别占60%、60%、70%和80%.见表1.


