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版权:原创标记原创 主题:李子范文 科目:发表论文 2024-03-16


Leonardo DiCaprio’s Carbon Lifestyle

At the 2016 Academy Awards, Leo DiCaprio accepted his Best Actor trophy with a speech that included a passionate call to action on climate change.1

As inevitably as night follows day, social media was flooded with people attacking DiCaprio as a hypocrite for living a carbon-intensive lifestyle.2

This kind of thing has been around for as long as I’ve been writing about climate change. People never tire of pointing out that Al Gore lives in a “mansion” or that scientists fly all over the world to climate conferences, spewing CO2.3 Any time I mention a vacation online I am immediately scolded as a hypocrite by at least one of the trolls who follow me around waiting for such opportunities.4

It’s not just conservatives or climate skeptics, either.5 There he always been plenty of environmentalists and liberals who scorn Gore and other climate leaders for their supposed hypocrisy.6

There’s clearly something powerful in the critique7. It elicits strong, intuitive reactions,8 which is rare with arguments related to climate change.

But I don’t think it holds up9. In particular, I think it runs two different arguments together.

Argument 1: Climate advocates who don’t reduce their emissions are hypocrites10

This is the claim that really grabs people at a gut level.11 And it makes a certain sense: If you say carbon emissions are bad, and you emit lots of carbon, and you don’t work to reduce your own carbon emissions, then either a) you don’t really think carbon emissions are bad, or b) you’re a hypocrite.

But there’s a hidden premise here, which lots of people take for granted but shouldn’t.12 The premise is that personal emission reductions are an important part of the fight against climate change—if you take climate seriously, you take on an obligation13 to reduce your own emissions.

Is that true? Not necessarily. It is entirely possible to believe, as many people do, that voluntary emission reductions are pointless vanity, that the only efficacious solutions to climate change involve extended, coordinated action by governments.14 They view the morali around personal emissions as a distraction, a way of diverting environmentalist energy and alienating non-environmentalists.15

People who believe that are not engaged in hypocrisy if they fly, or buy an SUV16, or eat a hamburger. They are not advocating sacrifice or ascetici17; they don’t believe it would do any good. They believe people will take advantage of the options ailable to them until some combination of regulation and innovation makes cleaner options ailable.18


