
关于社区卫生服务论文范文资料 与成都市城区居民社区卫生服务利用情况调查有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:社区卫生服务范文 科目:硕士论文 2024-03-15


摘 要:调查的目的是为了解成都市城区居民社区卫生服务利用情况及其影响因素.方法是采用整群随机抽样方法,调查成都市青羊区7个社区常住居民2760人,有效2725人,由统一培训的调查员进行入户问卷调查.结果显示,居民两周患病率为31.63%;52.70%的居民初诊选择去市级及以上医院,35%的居民初诊选择社区卫生服务机构;85.10%知道所在社區有社区卫生服务机构,44.22%接受过社区卫生服务;不同性别、年龄、文化程度、就业状况以及是否患慢性病对于居民社区卫生服务的利用率,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.001);居民去社区卫生服务机构前三位医疗卫生需求依次为看病(60.75%)、开药(37.80%)和体检(24.28%);居民选择社区卫生服务机构的原因主要是距离近(81.60%)、价格低(23.39%)、服务态度好(19.07%).通过本次调查得出结论,成都市城区居民社区卫生服务利用率有待进一步提高,居民科学就医观念尚未完全形成.只有转变居民的就医观念、提高社区卫生服务机构的医疗服务水平,才能实现卫生资源的合理利用.关键词:居民 社区卫生服务 利用率 就医观念

中图分类号:R 197.1 文献标识码:A

Investigation on the Utilization of Community Health Service in Urban Area of Chengdu

Liu Yanpei, Li Jiawei(Management School of Chengdu University of TCM, Chengdu 610075, Sichuan, China)

Abstract:The purpose of the survey is to understand the utilization of community health service and the influencing factors of urban residents in Chengdu city. The method is to adopt the cluster random sampling method,investigated 2760 permanent residents from 7 communities in Qingyang district,with 2725 of them are valid. Questionnaire survey was conducted by uni-trained investigators. Results show the prevalence of residents in two weeks was 31.63%,52.70% chose to go to the municipal hospital or above for the first diagnosis,35% choose to go to community health service agencies for the first diagnosis;85.10% knew that there were community health service agencies in their communities, 44.22% he received community health service. The utilization rates of community health services by residents with different genders, ages, education levels, employment status and chronic diseases were statistically significant(P<0.001);Residents to community health service agencies in the first three medical and health needs were medical treatment(60.75%),medicine purchase(37.80%) and physical examination (24.28%); Residents choose community health service institutions mainly due to the close range(81.60%), low price (23.39%) and good service attitude (19.07%). Draw a conclusion through this survey, chengdu urban residents community health service utilization needs to be further improved. Residents scientific concept of medical treatment has not yet been fully formed. Only by changing residents’ concept of medical treatment and improving the level of medical services of community health service institutions can realize the rational utilization of health resources.

Key words:Residents community health services utilization concept of medical treatment








