
关于永恒之光论文范文资料 与历久弥新永恒之光有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:永恒之光范文 科目:文献综述 2024-02-24







Although Jaya has many interior design works, his favorite field lies in hotel, and resort hotel especially retains all his design essence. In his view, the hotel design allows him to be dedicated to the concept of "guests". The hotel designed by Jaya makes people feel relaxed and comfortable, and not distracted or excited, because this is what the guests really want. He once said, "I don"t want my hotel design to be a "design". I mean, it shouldn"t shout "Jaya, Jaya". Each hotel is different, the decoration is not about me, but should always come from the guest"s point of view. This feeling is very important to me, otherwise the design will only be fake. However, it does not have to be a literal environment, it can explain the local culture, it can be a fusion. "

The design of Jaya shows an eternal light. When all the designers are after the most eye-catching trends, Jaya seems indifferent to the popular trend or new things. Jaya never connects the historic meaning to the present popular culture. Therefore, his design has never been the most fashionable, but it has a timeless sense. Even after ten years, it still looks moving and never out of date.

For Jaya, "good interior design is about balance". A universe in balance is a concept revered throughout Asia, and Jaya"s work expresses this belief in many forms. Balance is achieved at different levels, such as composition, color, tradition and modernity, and the balance between the West and Asia. As an environment, everything needs to be in harmony, and the design should evolve with time organically.

He believes that good design is not just about decoration, but the flow and circulation, as well as the designer"s sense of comfort. Although he says he does not have a "signature style", his interior design can often be recognized by the use of raw materials and subtle colors, as well as symmetrical patterns.

"Elegance is an expression of love, and this kind of performance should be based on intuition. Intuition is the ability to feel what you touch, to listen to the voice of your heart, and feel the ups and downs of your emotions. The so-called elegance, is a kind of art that can make objects beautiful." - Jaya Ibrahim


