
关于水质监测论文范文资料 与赤峰市生活饮用水水质监测情况调查有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:水质监测范文 科目:学位论文 2024-02-25


[摘 要] 目的 调查研究该市生活饮用水的水质监测情况.方法 定期采样全市全部农村以及城区集中式供水的管网末梢水、出厂水、源水,根据国家标准实施检测和评价.结果 监测的源水都符合地表水Ⅲ类及以上标准,出厂水合格率分别为35.36%,管网末梢水合格率27.51%. 结论 赤峰市整体水质合格率较低.影响水质合格率的因素主要包括水厂没有依照规范消毒、净化水质,部分镇级水厂的制水设备只是摆设,畜粪便的污染等.农村的水质合格率不及城市,影响农村生活饮用水合格率的因素主要包括水厂没有依照规范消毒、净化水质,部分镇级水厂的制水设备没有用到实处,畜粪便的污染.

[关键词] 生活饮用水;水质监测;情况分析

[中图分类号] R123.1 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-5654(2017)03(a)-0052-02

[Abstract] Objective To investigate the water monitoring situation of drinking water in Chifeng. Methols the Centralized water supply terminal tap water, tap water and source water of all rural and urban areas were sampled, and the test and evaluation should be implemented according to the national standards. Results All the monitored source water met the standards of surface water Ⅲ type or above, and the qualified rate of tap water and terminal tap water was respectively 35.36% and 27.51%. Conclusion The water quality qualified rate of Chifeng city is low.The major influence factors of rural drinking water qualified rate mainly include water factory not conduct the disinfection and purify water according to norms, the water preparation equipment of some town-level water factories not be implemented to avert hardship and population of animal excrement. The water qualified rate in rural area is worse than that in urban areas, and the major influence factors of rural drinking water qualified rate mainly include water factory not conduct the disinfection and purify water according to norms, the water preparation equipment of some town-level water factories not be implemented to avert hardship and population of animal excrement.

[Key words] Drinking water; Water monitoring; Analysis of situation


1 资料和方法

1.1 一般资料


1.2 设置监测点以及采样频率

依据原卫生部颁布的《生活饮用水卫生规范》设置采样点,城区市政水厂采样点出厂水设置1个,源水设置1个,管网末梢水设置3个采样点.农村水厂在管网末梢水、出厂水、源水各自设置1个采样点.5年的采样点均固定.其中源水在每天枯水期以及丰水期各在取水口进行1次采样;出厂水每月在各个水厂净水池出水口处进行1次采样;管网末梢水采样点选择在居民密集区,同样每个月采样1次.全部水样都经本市水质采样小组进行采集,采集后4 h之内送至检测.

1.3 检测项目


1.4 检测方法及评价标准

1.4.1 检测方法 依据原卫生部颁布的《生活饮用水卫生规范》以及GB/T5750-2006《生活饮用水标准检验方法》实施检测.


