
关于工程量清单论文范文资料 与如何运用好工程量清单计价规则进行投标报价有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:工程量清单范文 科目:职称论文 2024-03-07


摘 要:在建筑工程招投标市场中,施工企业投标报价水平和中标率是反映其竞争力的重要标志.建筑施工企业在投标时,必须正确把握政策,熟知工程量清单计价规范,按照规范要求和市场价值规律编制报价文件,力求将投标风险降到最低程度,又能提高投标中标率.本文就当前施工企业“输送管道工程”招投标的实际情况,采用不均衡报价利用清单报价的量价分离原则,加强工程量清单综合单价中的风险控制、建立和完善企业定额和提高项目经理的管理水平及项目团队的综合能力等有效措施,为自己获得更大利润,如何使用好2010清单计价规范,实现与国际工程计价模式接轨,充分体现市场竞争机制,降低工程成本,加快工程建设节奏,提高经济效益,对工程投标报价时的政策把握和风险控制提出浅见.

关键词:投标报价; 策略把握; 风险控制; 不均衡报价; 中标率; 利润率

How to make good use of the "rules of the bill of quantities" of the tender offer

Yang Li

Abstract: In the market of construction project bidding, construction enterprises, the level of the tender offer and the successful rate is an important symbol to reflect competitiveness. Construction enterprise in the tender must be properly grasp the policy familiar with the norms of the bill of quantities preparation of offer documents, in accordance with the regulatory requirements and the market value of the law, sought to to tender minimize the risk, but also to raise the bid rate. In this paper, the current actual situation of construction enterprises pipeline project bidding, uneven offer volume and price list quotation separation principle, strengthen BOQ Price in risk control, establish and improve the enterprise fixed and the project manager effective measures for the management level and the ability of the project team, for greater profit for themselves, how to use a good 2010 list pricing norms, pricing model with international engineering standards, fully reflects the market competition mechanism, reduce the cost of the project, and to speed up the pace of construction projects, improve economic efficiency, grasp and risk control of engineering bidding policy humble opinion.

Keywords: Tender Offer; strategy to grasp; risk control; the uneven quote; successful rate; margin

1. 前言








