
关于米兰论文范文资料 与米兰帕拉佐帕里吉酒店总统套房美色自在怀有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:米兰范文 科目:专科论文 2024-01-27


意大利米兰市中心布列拉路曾是帕拉佐克莱默酒店(Palazzo Cramer)的栖身之所,今非昔比,如今帕拉佐帕里吉酒店(Palazzo Parigi)将其取而代之,展露一世欢颜.酒店新近推出的总统套房,更是集各方大成,出身不凡.建筑师兼业主保拉·切尔诺贝利(Paola Giambelli)与皮埃尔·伊夫·罗雄(Pierre Yves Rochon)执手,联袂设计这套250平米的顶级套房,浓郁的亲密、舒适、豪华风勾勒出的私人公寓样貌,在全米兰市亦鲜有媲美者.

Palazzo Parigi, which sits on the site of the former Palazzo Cramer in Via Brera in the heart of Milan, Italy, has unveiled its Presidential Suite. Architect and owner Paola Giambelli, in partnership with Pierre Yves Rochon, designed the 2,690-square-foot (250-square-meter) suite in the style of an intimate and comfortable luxury private apartment at the very top of Milan.




The 250 sq. m. elegant space of with a surrounding panoramic terrace overlooks the city and the Duomo of Milan. Its circular path going all around the suite allows guests to enjoy Milan" s extensive skyline from the iconic Duomo and the magnificent Madonnina statue posed at its top, to the dome of the Galleria Vittorio Emmanuelle, the Sforzesco Castle, the Church of San Marco, the skyscrapers over Porta Nuova, and the majestic silhouette of the Alps towering to the north.

To let the city in, Giambelli chose vast, sunlit glass windows throughout the living room and bedroom, allowing guests to enjoy the views of Milan throughout the day and night. Each detail and architectural feature has been carefully looked after to offer a unique level of service and comfort. As an example, the positions of the bed and bathtub were strategically chosen so guests can enjoy the magical view on the Madonnina from their bedroom or while relaxing in a hot bath.


经亲手遴选的艺术品难免使套房游弋出私人居家的气质.墙壁饰以几幅油画, 如1877年汉斯·施密特创作的《狮子》及18世纪诞生于路易斯·托克之手的《全家福》.室内装潢主打柔和色,镶板折射出温暖光,每道臻于完美的细节,渗出温馨舒适及奢华典雅的风貌.





