
关于人工湿地论文范文资料 与潜流式人工湿地消纳城市污水厂尾水微生物特性机制有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:人工湿地范文 科目:本科论文 2024-03-26


摘 要:

为揭示潜流式人工湿地消纳城市污水厂尾水微生物特性及机制,以位于常州市城北污水处理厂内的潜流式人工湿地消纳城市污水厂尾水旁路试验系统中的植物根系、湿地填料及湿地土壤中微生物为研究对象,通过镜检、脲酶、磷脂脂肪酸(PLFA)等分析手段对其进行相关研究.结果表明,植物根系、填料中含有团藻等菌胶团和轮虫、变形虫等原生动物,团藻等菌胶团通过自身新陈代谢及光合作用,利用尾水中N、P进行生物代谢,去除低碳源条件下尾水中的N、P等.湿地脲酶平均含量(N)约为22.43 mg/g,其活性和TN的去除呈线性相关,活性越高,TN去除率越高.消纳城市污水厂尾水濕地填料中饱和脂肪酸(PLFA)含量为99.30%,不饱和脂肪酸含量仅为0.70%,这和潜流式人工湿地处理城市污水中的PLFA含量有很大差别(分别为76.97%、23.03%).以脂肪酸生物标记量为指标,显示湿地填料中形成了以好养细菌为优势种群的微生物生态结构.团藻、好氧微生物是低碳源尾水中TN等污染物去除的主要载体微生物.

关键词:尾水; 磷脂脂肪酸; 脲酶; 人工湿地




The microorganisms of plant roots, wetland filler and wetland soil of subsurface flow wetland consumptive municipal sewage treatment plant effluents bypass test systems, in Changzhou City, north of the city sewage treatment plant, were studied through microscopic examination, urease, phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) and other analytical tools for related seudies to reveal the characteristics and mechanism of microorganisms with Subsurface Flow Wetland consumptive municipal sewage treatment plant effluents. The results showed that plant roots, filler contained rotifers, amoeba and other protozoa and Volvox, Volvox used the N, P and other pollutant of tail waters through photosynthesis biological metabolism, removal of N、P, etc, under conditions of lowcarbon. The average content of wetland urease(N) was about 2243 mg/g, the activity of urease was linearly related to the removal of TN, the higher the activity, the higher the removal rate of TN. Saturated fatty acid (PLFA) content was 99.30%, unsaturated fatty acid content was only 0.70% in Wetland fillers, which with subsurface flow wetland treatment PLFA contents of municipal sewage is very different (76.97% and 23.03%, respectively). The amount of fatty acid biomarker as an indicator, reveal wetlands matrix formed with aerobic bacteria was dominant structure of microbial ecology. Volvox, aerobic microorganisms was the main carriers of microbial removal of TN and other pollutants in low carbon source tail water.


sewage effluents; phospholipid fatty acid; urease; constructed wetland.




