
关于报警器论文范文资料 与博物馆内火灾烟雾报警器设计有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:报警器范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-01-30


摘 要: 目前大多数火灾烟雾报警器都是由火灾烟雾传感器和火灾烟雾探测芯片组成,烟雾探测芯片通过对接收到的传感器信号进行处理分析,从而判定是否有火灾发生,这种方法虽然结构简单但反应慢,存在误报和漏报等问题.为此提出一种单片机的火灾烟雾报警器设计方法.首先,设计监测CO浓度、烟雾浓度以及温度变化的传感器,用A/D转换电路将传感器检测信息转换成单片机可处理的数字信号,通过ZigBee无线通信技术将单片机处理过的信号传输到火灾烟雾报警器控制服务器模块,完成博物馆内火灾烟雾报警器硬件设计.利用连续概率模型对采集获得的温度、烟雾和CO浓度信息进行分析处理,由此完成博物馆内火灾烟雾报警器设计,提高火灾报警的准确性和及时性.通过仿真实验证明,所提方法能够有效提高报警器报警的准确性和及时性,能够快速地反应整个火灾概率过程,并给出预警、报警信号,符合博物馆的使用条件,具有良好的使用价值.

关键词: 检测模块; 火灾烟雾报警器; ZigBee; 浓度传感器

中图分类号: TN02?34; TP277 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2017)23?0104?05

Abstract: Most of the fire oke alarms are composed of fire oke sensor and fire oke detection chip. The oke detection chip can judge whether the fire happens by means of the processing analysis for the received sensor signals. This method has simple structure but slow response speed, and has the problems of false alarm and missing alarm. Therefore, a design method of the fire oke alarm based on SCM is proposed. With the method, the sensor is designed to monitor the CO concentration, oke concentration and temperature variation; the A/D conversion circuit is used to convert the information detected by the sensor into the digital signal which can be processed by SCM; the processed signal is tranitted to the control service module of the fire oke alarm by means of the ZigBee wireless communication technology to accomplish the hardware design of the fire oke alarm for museum. The continuous probability model is adopted to analyze the acquired temperature, oke and CO concentration information to realize the design of the fire oke alarm for museum. The fire oke alarm can improve the accuracy and timeliness of fire alarm. The simulation results show that the method can improve the accuracy and timeliness of the alarm effectively, respond to the whole fire probability process quickly, give the early warning and warning signal, conform to the service condition of the museum, and has high use value.

Keywords: detection module; fire oke alarm; ZigBee; concentration sensor

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文献[6]提出基于CAN的博物馆无线火灾烟雾报警器设计方法,通过使用ARM S3C2440作为该火灾烟雾报警器的主控芯片.利用CAN节点进行数据交换,完成烟雾报警功能.通过ZigBee将火灾烟雾报警器的烟雾报警模块与CAN进行无线数据传输,从而完成报警器设计,但利用这种方法设计出来的报警器,检测范围较小,其使用范围受到限制.


