
关于城镇化进程论文范文资料 与新型城镇化进程中公共文化服务如何做到文化惠农有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:城镇化进程范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-03-03


摘 要:公共文化服务体系建设是党文化惠农的重要内容,也是提升农民素养、促进社区经济发展、维护社区稳定、增强社区整合的重要力量.新型城镇化进程中,以乡镇带动农村公共文化服务体系建设是文化惠农的重要措施.以安徽省繁昌县为例,对四个乡镇的居民进行了问卷调查,以探索新型城镇化进程中,乡镇公共文化服务现状、存在的问题,以及如何做到文化惠农.调查发现乡镇公共文化服务体系建设存在供需错位、服务单调趋同、服务重硬轻软、整合社会力量的能力欠缺等问题.运用主成份分析法对农民的公共文化服务需求无法满足的影响因素进行分析,主要是政府引导建设不够、社会力量参与不足、个体自身条件限制因素的影响.基于此,乡镇公共文化服务体系建设应加大财政投入、重视群团组织作用、提升农民文化素养、充分尊重农体需求.





Abstract:The construction of public cultural service system is not only the important content of cultural benefit for peasants raised by the Party Central Committee, but also a significant force to improve peasant’s accomplishment, promote community economic development, and maintain social stability and enhance community integration. In the process of new-type urbanization, to promote the construction of rural public cultural service system with the impetus of towns is an important measure of cultural benefits for peasants. The paper studies the current situation and problems of rural public cultural service system and how to benefit peasants with questionn

aires in four towns of Fanchang county. It concludes that there are many problems in rural public cultural service system, such as dislocation of supply and demand, monotonic convergence of service, service emphasizing on infrastructure rather than activities, and lacking the ability to integrate social forces. The analysis done by using principal component analysis method finds that the influencing factors failing to meet peasants’ needs of cultural service are insufficiency of government construction, inadequate public participation and limitations of individual conditions. Accordingly, the construction of rural public cultural service shall increase financial input, value community organizational function, augment peasants’ cultural quality and fully respect the needs of peasants.

Key words:cultural benefits for peasants; rural public cultural service system; new-type urbanization




