
关于跟踪论文范文资料 与跟踪导练(二)(5)有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:跟踪范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-04-12






1. We made a rather ____ job of painting the house.

2. In my heart, there is something that can never be ____ .

3. The pictures were taken by a professional ____ .

4. Qu Yuan is a(n) ____ play written by Guo Moruo.

5. She is ____ to go there with Jack. Jack is very friendly.

6. More than five billion years ago the ____ started.

7. I’ve got lots of famous film stars’ ____ .

8. The dancers warmed up ____ while the audience were finding their seats.


1. Cindy was cooking in the kitchen while she got a call.___

2. The Society of Friends was founded at the principle of simple living.___

3. A boy told me that he often saw aliens in the moon.___

4. While he was waiting a bus outside, he met an old friend of his.



1. 你觉得我早餐可不可以早一点吃?

2. 他在旅行期间参观了许多地方.

3. 我将用一只新杯子代替我打碎的那个.

4. 我们昨天到达这里时正下着大雨.


1. — Thanks for helping me with the box.

— ___

A. Yes, please.B. With pleasure.

C. My pleasure.D. No, please don’t.

2. The new style will finally ___ the existing one.

A. replaceB. exchange

C. produceD. create

3. I’ll let you know ___ it is ready.

A. whileB. so that

C. as soon asD. until

4. She had just finished her homework ___ her mother asked her to practise the piano yesterday.

A. whenB. after

C. whileD. since

5. I’m sorry you’ve been waiting so long, but it’ll still be some time___ Brian gets back.

A. beforeB. since

C. whenD. after

6. The reporter said that the UFO ___ from east to west when he saw it.

A. has treledB. treled

C. had treledD. was treling

7. I ___ to he you as our guests.

A. would be delightfulB. had been delightful

C. would be delightedD. had been delighted

8. He was doing his homework ___ a familiar voice came to his ears.

A. asB. while

C. beforeD. when


Many people think advertisements are useful and helpful. But a man once said how useless it was to advertise. “Last week,” he said, “my umbrella was stolen from a London church. Now I spent twice as much money advertising, but did not 1 it back.”


