
关于门诊输液护理论文范文资料 与优质护理服务应用在门诊输液护理中对患者满意度影响有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:门诊输液护理范文 科目:发表论文 2024-03-24



[摘 要] 目的 分析優质护理服务应用在输液护理中对患者满意度影响.方法 方便选择2016年10—12月该院380例门诊输液患者根据随机数字表分组,各190例.常规组在输液护理中应用常规护理服务,优质组在输液护理中应用优质护理服务.比较两组输液护理满意度;输液治疗的依从性、对输液知识的掌握情况;干预前后患者焦虑自评量表评定值、抑郁自评量表评定值;输液过程不良反应发生率.结果 优质组护理满意度97.37%高于常规组满意度87.89%(P<0.05).干预前两组焦虑自评量表评定值、抑郁自评量表评定值相近(P>0.05);干预后优质组焦虑自评量表评定值、抑郁自评量表评定值(31.78±0.32)分和(36.21±0.51)分优于常规组(P<0.05).优质组输液治疗的依从性、对输液知识的掌握情况(97.39±2.77)分和(96.31±3.13)分高于常规组(P<0.05).优质组输液不良反应发生率低于常规组,但差异不显著,其中,优质组3例出现不良反应,占1.58%;常规组8例出现不良反应,占4.21%.结论 优质护理服务应用在门诊输液护理中应用效果确切,值得推广.

[关键词] 优质护理服务;门诊输液护理;满意度;影响

[中图分类号] R47 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2017)09(a)-0169-03

Effect of Quality Nursing Service on Patient Satisfaction in Outpatient Infusion Care

LIU Gui-qin

Department of Emergency, the Second People’s Hospital of Yangzhou City, Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, 225007 China

[Abstract] Objective This paper tries to analyze the effect of quality nursing service on patient satisfaction in outpatient infusion nursing. Methods From October to December 2016, 380 patients with outpatient infusion were convenient divided into two groups according to the random number table. The routine group in the infusion care adopted conventional care service, the quality group in the infusion care adopted high quality care service. The satisfaction degree, the compliance of the infusion treatment, the knowledge of the infusion, the evaluation of the self-rating scale of anxiey before and after the intervention, the self-rating scale of the depression, and the incidence of adverse reactions in the infusion process of the two groups were compared. Results The satisfaction rate was 97.37% in the quality group; higher than that in the conventional group of 87.89%(P<0.05). The scores of the self-rating scale of anxiety and the self-rating scale of depression before intervention of the two groups were similar(P>0.05); after intervention, the self-rating scores of anxiety and depression of the quality group were (31.78±0.32)points and (36.21±0.51)points, higher than those in the routine group(P<0.05). The compliance and the knowledge of infusion of the quality group were(97.39±2.77)points and(96.31±3.13)points, higher than that of the routine group(P<0.05). The incidence of adverse reactions in the quality group was lower than that in the routine group, but the difference was not significant. Among them, 3 cases had adverse reactions in the high-quality group, accounting for 1.58%; in the routine group, 8 cases had adverse reactions, accounting for 4.21%. Conclusion The application of high quality nursing service in outpatient infusion care is effective and worthy of promotion.








