
关于并列句论文范文资料 与并列句连词短语有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:并列句范文 科目:硕士论文 2024-04-11




[并列连词及短语 ]

1. 并列连词:and,but,or,nor,for等.

I really feel I am doing something worthwhile and I am having a great time doing it. 我的确感到我是在做一件值得做的事, 而且我做得相当开心.

Information technology is taught in most schools, for we have entered the information society. 信息技术在大多数学校开设,因为我们已经进入信息社会.

They cannot afford to consult a doctor or purchase medicines from a chemist when they get sick, nor can they make sure that their children keep a healthy diet. 他们生病时既看不起病也买不起药,而且他们也无法保证孩子们提供健康的饮食.

Not all the new companies can succeed, but the spirit and creativity they represent are more important than money. 并非所有的新公司都能成功,但他们所代表的那种精神和创造力却比金钱更重要.

2. 关联并列连词:not only ... but also ...,both ... and ...,neither ... nor ...,either. .. or ...等.

Sports not only keep a man in health, but they (also) give him team spirit. 运动不仅可以使人保持健康,而且培养人的团队精神.

Both you and I must lend him a hand, both for his sake and for ours. 你我两个人都得帮忙,这是为了他,也是为了我自己.

Many people talk, not because they have anything to say, but for the mere love of talking. 很多人说话并不是因为有话要说,而只是因为爱说话而已.

Neither do I know his address, nor do my parents. 我不知道他的地址,我父母也不知道.

3. 连接副词:so,yet,still,then,however,besides, therefore,moreover,otherwise,hence,nevertheless,accordingly,consequently,whereupon,neither等.

Education is essential to poverty relief, so Lin Ying’s work is making a big difference to the children’s future. 教育是脱贫的根本,因此林颖的工作对孩子们的未来有着重大影响.

Everything is OK so far, therefore we are confident that the work will be finished on time. 到目前为止一切都很顺利,因此我们有信心按时完成这项工作.

The composition is all right, however, there is room for improvement. 这篇作文还不错,不过还得改进.

These birds are very rare and therefore protected by law. 这类鸟很稀少,因此受到法律保护.


1. S-V-O-A[and/ foror/ sobut]S-V-O-A

People have been playing the blues for many years, but the music has kept many of its characteristics. 多年来人们一直在演奏布鲁斯,但这种音乐仍保留有它的许多特征.

The leaves of the trees are falling, for it’s already autumn. 树叶在落,秋天已经到来了.

Lawrence failed to appear, so we went on without him. 劳伦斯没有来,因此我们不管他继续走.

2. S-V-O-A[while (然而)when (这时)]S-V-O-A

One day Chuck is on a flight across the Pacific Ocean when suddenly his plane crashes. 一天,查克飞越太平洋时,他的飞机突然坠落.


