
关于台风论文范文资料 与1513号台风苏迪罗暴雨过程分析和灾害评估有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:台风范文 科目:专科论文 2024-01-28


摘 要 本文利用地面、高空、卫星、雷达等基础观测资料,对1513号台风“苏迪罗”暴雨进行分析,并对灾害作出定量评估.结果表明,“苏迪罗”台风登陆路径为Ⅳ西偏北(闽)型路径,台风暴雨为单一台风环流型造成;强降雨区呈现出明显的低层辐合、高层辐散,且垂直上升速度由小变大再变小,低层水汽强烈辐合,为此次降水提供了动力和水汽条件;六安台风暴雨主要受台风 云系影响,对应TBB低值区,预示云系发展非常旺盛;反射率因子呈现为低质心结构,平均强度25~35 dBZ;径向速度图上零速度线呈明显的“S”型,存在暖平流.霍山县仙人冲乡出现的108 mm小时雨强达到六安地区各流域15年一遇的小时致洪面雨量均值;通过统计分析建立的暴雨事件评估模型,对此次暴雨过程的评估结果属于一级特大暴雨灾害.

关键词 台风“苏迪罗”;暴雨灾害;天气形势;定量评估

中图分类号 P458.1+2 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1007-5739(2018)02-0205-04

Process Analysis of Typhoon 1513 "Soudelor" Rainstorm and Disaster Assessment

CAO Jin-juan WU Fang XU Huan QU Jing WANG Jia

(Lu′an Meteorological Bureau in Anhui Province,Lu′an Anhui 237011)

Abstract Based on basic observation data of surface,radiosonde,satellite and radar,the rainstorm of typhoon 1513 "Soudelor" was analyzed in this paper,and the disaster was quantitatively assessed. The results showed that landing path of "Soudelor " was the Ⅳ west by north(Fujian)one. The typhoon rainstorm was caused by a single typhoon circulation. The strong rainfall area presented obvious low-level convergence and high-level divergence. At the same time,upward vertical velocity increased firstly and decreased later with strong water vapor convergence at low level,which provided dynamic condition and water vapor for the precipitation. The rainstorm process was mainly affected by the cloud system of the typhoon periphery,and the strong rainfall area corresponded to the low value of TBB,which indicated that the cloud system developed very well. The reflectance factor was a low-quality structure with average strength of 25-35 dBZ. Radar velocity contours showed obvious "S" type isoline of zero velocity,which indicated that there was a warm advection. The one-hour accumulated rain in the Xianrenchong Town of Huoshan County was 108 mm,which reached the mean value of flood surface rainfall of the past 15 years in various basins of Lu′an City. The assessment model of rainstorm events was established by statistical analysis,and it evaluated the rainstorm as rank 1 extraordinary rainstorm disaster.

Key words typhoon "Soudelor";rainstorm disaster;weather situation;quantitative evaluation

1 台风影响实况及灾情概述

1.1 台风暴雨实况

2015年第13号台风“苏迪罗”(Soudelor)于7月30日20:00在西北太平洋洋面上生成,強度逐渐加强,8月3日加强为超强台风,8月4日其中心附近最大风力达到17级以上(65 m/s).8月8日凌晨4:00首次在台湾花莲登陆(强台风级别),22:00在福建省莆田市登陆(台风级别),之后以西北偏西路径移动[Ⅳ西偏北(闽)型路径,此路径也是安徽大别山地区最易造成台风暴雨的台风路径[1]],9日在江西中北部减弱为热带低压,10日17:00在安徽省安庆市境内停止编号.台风暴雨、大风是大别山区夏季主要的灾害性天气之一[2].受台风“苏迪罗”影响,8月9—10日安徽省淮河以南地区出现大范围的强降水,六安市地处安徽省中西部,为强降水集中区,六安市过程累计降水量:中北部50~100 mm,南部100~200 mm,共有89个乡镇雨量站超过100 mm,11个站点超过250 mm,最大降水量出现在霍山县佛子岭镇,为370 mm,最大小时雨强108.1 mm(10日1:00—2:00霍山县仙人冲乡);同时全市平均风力增大到4级,阵风普遍超过7级,最大风力出现在金寨肖家湾,为28.8 m/s(1 ).


