
关于本体论文范文资料 与回归艺术的本体有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:本体范文 科目:专科论文 2024-01-20




This issue’s theme:Returning to the Art of Being

Editor’s notes: The current art form is mostly not a reflection of the art itself or the noumenal problem of the art. What we can see in most art works nowadays is a kind of social trend of thought or image, not the art of being. The lack of exploration into the noumenon of art and lack of contribution to the noumenal expression will sooner or later result in the loss of artistic spirit. Therefore, from the perspective of the history of art, it may be “historically” significant to emphasize, under the current trend, “returning to the art of being”.

Studying art and engaging in art activities are double-fold, devoting to art for the sake of art and engaging in art for a living .There are three aspects concerning the issue of returning to art of being: art education, artists and art works, art market and its consumers.

In terms of art education, art academy has been turning out many craften, which results in the loss of momentum for art creation and the lack of creative and experienced artists in the years to come.

When it comes to Artists and art works, the problems with modern civilization make some domestic artists treat art just the way advertisements are being done. Just as what we he lost is soul, so there is no denying that in the field of art, a widespread term is shallowness and superficiality.

As for art market and its consumers, art exhibition organizers ”he kidnapped” the art brokers, artists and consumers, and they he even he hijacked the media, which are major causes of existing chaos in the art field.

Art education not only aims at cultivating qualified talents, also is supposed to give its full play to its cultural role. As artists it is most important for them to focus on the relationships between artists themselves and their works, respect themselves, and adhere to the liberal values.of artists.









作为美术学院城市设计学院的外聘专家,我了解到,近年来每年报考美术学院的考生都在两万人左右,各省的情况又如何呢?随机查询两个省的数字:甘肃省2010年参加美术类专业考试的考生共有10370人(兰州晨报 2010.01.05),山东省2011年参加美术类专业考试报名人数为39680人(济南时报2011.1.19).设想累计一下全国30多个省市自治区和直辖市准备参加美术类专业考试报名人数的总和;那将是一个庞大的数字!其实美术类考生也只是“艺考”中的一部分,准备参加“艺考”的人数就更多了,以至于“艺考网”网站应运而生.

问题是,真的有那么多的学生想学艺术吗(本文中专指美术)?我们的艺术教育体制和现行机构有足够的资源与能力向如此众多的学生提供实至名归的课程与指导吗?答案或许是否定的,毕业生的能力是最好的证明.事实上,一小部分学生在校期间一直被“为艺术而艺术”和“艺术是谋生手段”这两个以上提到的问题所困扰.于是他们就去观察老师:虽然老师偶尔也会谈到“为艺术而艺术”,但绝大多数情况下老师是机会主义者.因此“艺术只是谋生手段”的认知不但影响着绝大多数的学生家长也深深地影响着在校的大多数学生.本来也无可厚非,如果艺术教育在做技巧性培养的同时也注意在艺术的学理方面鼓励学生探索与钻研,可惜,事与愿违.因为许多参加“艺考”学生的综合文化知识较差,在他们今后的学习中成为了障碍、影响了他们的认知水平.在艺术院校你常常听到学生抱怨:“老师,我们不爱上文化课!”何止学生,“我们是搞艺术的,对理论没兴趣”也是部分艺术院校老师的口头禅.你怎么可以期望一个文化水平低下的人今后成为一名艺术家或有良好专业素质的艺术工作者呢?你怎么可以期望一个没有美学素养的老师理解“为艺术而艺术” 带来的结果也是艺术干预社会的过程呢?


