
关于半胱氨酸论文范文资料 与血清同型半胱氨酸脂蛋白A和冠心病相关性有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:半胱氨酸范文 科目:本科论文 2024-02-24


[摘 要] 目的 探讨血清同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)及脂蛋白A(Lp-a)和冠心病的相关性.方法 方便选取2015年5月—2017年5月该院收治的142例冠心病患者为研究对象,依据诊断结果分为心绞痛组(73例)和心肌梗死组(69例),另择取同期该院70名健康体检者为对照组,测定3组Hcy和Lp-a水平,分析两项指标和冠心病的相关性.结果 心肌梗死组Hcy(24.6±12.8)μmol/L,高于心绞痛组和对照组,差异有统计学意义(t等于3.91,P<0.05;t=5.88,P<0.05).心肌梗死组Lp-a(73.9±29.1)noml/L,高于心绞痛组和对照组,差异有统计学意义(t=10.54,P<0.05;t=13.35,P<0.05).Logistic回归分析显示,Hcy、Lp-a是冠心病独立危险因素(OR=1.594,P<0.05;OR=3.532,P<0.05).结论 Hcy与Lp-a是冠心病的独立危险因素,加强对Hcy和Lp-a的监测对冠心病诊治及预后评估具有指导意义.

[关键词] 冠心病;血清同型半胱氨酸;脂蛋白A;相关性

[中图分类号] R541 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2018)03(a)-0023-03

The Relationship between Serum Homocysteine and Lipoprotein A and Coronary Heart Disease

SONG Shi-fei

Department of Cardiology, Ganyu People’s Hospital, Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province, 222100 China

[Abstract] Objective This paper tries to investigate the correlation between serum homocysteine (Hcy) and lipoprotein A (Lp-a) and coronary heart disease. Methods 142 cases of coronary heart disease patients from May 2015 to May 2017 in this hospital were convenient selected divided into angina group (73 cases) and myocardial infarction group (69 cases), 70 cases of healthy people were chosen as the control group. The three groups were measured Hcy and Lp-a levels, correlation analysis and coronary heart disease. Results The Hcy (24.6±12.8)μmol/L in the myocardial infarction group was higher than that of the angina pectoris group and the control group. The difference was statistically significant(t等于3.91, P<0.05;t=5.88, P<0.05). Lp-a in myocardial infarction group(73.9±29.1) noml/L, higher than the angina pectoris group and the control group, the difference was statistically significant(t=10.54, P<0.05; t=13.35, P<0.05). Logistic regression analysis showed that Hcy and Lp-a were independent risk factors for coronary heart disease(OR=1.594, P<0.05; OR=3.532, P<0.05). Conclusion Hcy and Lp-a are independent risk factors of coronary heart disease. Monitoring of Hcy and Lp-a is of guiding significance for the diagnosis and treatment of coronary heart disease.

[Key words] Coronary heart disease; Serum homocysteine; Lipoprotein A; Correlation


1 资料和方法

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