
关于空腹血糖论文范文资料 与不同性别初发2型糖尿病患者中血尿酸和空腹血糖的相关性有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:空腹血糖范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-04-01


【摘 要】 目的:探讨不同性别初发2型糖尿病(Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus,T2DM)患者中血尿酸(Uirc acid,UA)与空腹血糖(Fasting blood glucose,FBG)的相关性.方法 :临床纳入T2DM患者203例,其中男性150例,女性53例.分别空腹采集患者静脉血,并进行FBG、UA、血肌酐(Scr)、谷草转氨酶(AST)、谷丙转氨酶(ALT)、血脂水平检测.根据患者FBG水平分为<7.0mmol/L、7.0~9.0mmol/L、>9.0mmol/L.结果 :男性初发T2DM患者血UA水平为(325.79±92.23)μmol/L,女性初发T2DM患者血UA水平为(292.23±76.16)μmol/L,差异有显著性(P<0.05);所有患者中FBG水平与血UA水平有着明显的负相关(r=-0.314,P<0.05);男性患者中FBG水平与血UA水平有着明显的负相关(r=-0.318,P<0.05);男女性患者中FBG水平与血UA水平有着明显的负相关(r=-0.289,P<0.05);多元逐步回归分析显示,男性、女性各分组FBG与血UA水平均存在明显的回归关系(P<0.05).结论: 无论男性还是女性初发T2DM患者,随着患者FBG水平的升高,其血UA水平发生一定的降低.因此,血UA水平能够作为反映葡萄糖代谢水平的一个潜在生物性标志.

【关键词】 2型糖尿病;血尿酸;空腹血糖;相关性

【Abstract】 Objective:To explore the correlation of UA with FBG for different genders of primary T2DM Patients. Method:203 T2DM patients (150 male cases and 53 female cases) were selected. Through the collection of fasting venous blood, the level of FBG, UA, Scr, AST, ALT and serum lipid was detected. According to the level of FBG, the patients were classified into three grades: <7.0mmol/L, 7.0~9.0mmol/L,>9.0mmol/L. Result:The level of UA for male patients with primary T2DM was (325.79±92.23)μmol/L while the level of UA for female patients with primary T2DM was (292.23±76.16)μmol/L (P<0.05); for all the patients, the level of FBG was negatively correlated with the level of UA (r=-0.314, P<0.05); for male cases, the level of FBG was negatively correlated with the level of UA (r=-0.318, P<0.05); for female cases, the level of FBG was negatively correlated with the level of UA (r=-0.289, P<0.05). According to the multiple stepwise regression analysis, the level of FBG had an obvious regression relation with the level of UA for male and female cases (P<0.05). Conclusion: For male or female patients with primary T2DM, the level of UA will be reduced with the increasing FBG content. Therefore, the level of UA can be regarded as a potential biological index of reflecting the glucose metabolism.

【keyword】 T2DM; UA; FBG; Correlation

【中图分类号】R587.1 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1671-2609(2016)5

2型糖尿病(Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus,T2DM)属于临床较为多见的一种内分泌代谢性疾病,其主要特征为胰岛素抵抗与胰岛素分泌受损进而导致血糖水平的升高[1].目前研究认为,T2DM的发生与遗传、自身免疫性疾病以及环境等多因素有关[2-3].近年来,有部分研究认为血尿酸(Uirc acid,UA)水平能够作为预测T2DM危险因素的一个重要指标,但存在不小的争议[4].UA属于嘌呤代谢的最终产物,高尿酸血症虽然能够增加T2DM的发病率,但是T2DM也能够促进UA的排泄降低通风的发病率[5].为进一步探讨不同性别初发T2DM患者中血UA与空腹血糖(Fasting blood glucose,FBG)的相关性,笔者对90例初发T2DM患者进行了临床资料回顾性分析,先报告如下.

1 资料及方法

1.1 一般资料



