
关于水果论文范文资料 与各种水果长什么样才最好吃有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:水果范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-03-09



1. Look for apples that are bright-colored and without any bruises.

You can always tell that an apple is fresh when the skin looks bright and free from cuts and discolorations. Apples that are bright with all speckles of green on the skin may also be fresh—but may not be as tasty as those with solid bright colors. The months of October to November are the best times to buy fresh apples.

2. Inspect the skin surfaces of bananas.

Bruises and soft spots on a banana peel may mean that it"s old. Fresh bananas usually appear radiant yellow. Bright yellow bananas with little shades of green may also be fresh, but need to be stored at room temperature to ripen completely.

3. Go for fresh oranges with bright color, blemish-free and ooth-textured skin.

Fresh oranges may also emit sweet orange scent, are firm and can be hey for their size. Oranges that are not fresh may look dull, rough, light and spongy. You can buy sweet oranges in good condition from mid-November until February.

4. Choose peaches with ooth skin, and without cuts or bruises.

Fresh peaches are also firm but somewhat soft when you put pressure on them. For peaches that are fresh but a little bit hard, you can store them in a brown paper bag under room temperature to ripen.

5. Get a watermelon that is lustrous green rind and is free from blemishes, punctures or dents.

A fresh watermelon usually appears plump, firm and is well-proportioned. You can tell that a watermelon is fully ripe when you hear a deep and hollow sound as you tap it with your fingers. Watermelons are usually at their peak from June to late August.

1. 挑苹果要挑颜色鲜亮、表皮无擦伤的.


2. 观察香蕉的表皮.


3. 挑选橘子时,要选颜色明亮、无瑕疵、表皮光滑的.


4. 选桃子时要挑选表皮光滑、无伤或无瑕疵的.


5. 购买西瓜时要挑选颜色鲜绿、无擦伤、无洞或无凹痕的.



