
关于完形填空论文范文资料 与完形填空训练有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:完形填空范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-02-10



Summer was supposed to be free of worries for a high school grad like me. No studying, no — at least not till I went away to college in the fall. But one afternoon crowded in: I’d never been on my own before. I’d always lived in the same small town. How would I it out there in the big, scary world?

I drove Mom’s car to get out. Then everything went .

I opened my eyes in a strange room but couldn’t move. Mom told me the truth: the was all my fault. I’d made the worst of my life. Witnesses had seen me make a left turn on Route 37 — right into the path of a white truck going 60 miles per hour. I was knocked unconscious. , the driver of the truck wasn’t hurt. No one was, except me.

About a week after I left the hospital, Mom and I went to see her car. It was completely . “It’s just a car,” Mom said. “What’s important is that you’re okay. Everyone’s okay.” On the seat we saw a bandana (手帕) in blood. “That must the man who helped you,” said Mom. “We should wash this and return it to him,” said Mom.

I still had a lot of . The judge had me a community class on road safety and write an essay about how I could improve my driving. Both helped me a lot. By the time I left for I was ready for the big world out there. I knew I’d be okay, because I would be more careful.

1. A. homework B. housework

C. performance D. practice

2. A. worries B. doubts C. regrets D. notes

3. A. help B. take C. make D. live

4. A. green B. blue C. white D. black

5. A. event B. accident

C. change D. experience

6. A. effort B. comment C. attempt D. mistake

7. A. Sadly B. Deliberately

C. Amazingly D. Impatiently

8. A. destroyed B. attacked

C. injured D. ignored

9. A. call in B. belong to

C. appeal to D. put off

10. A. chances B. choices

C. wonders D. challenges

11. A. miss B. prepare C. attend D. give

12. A. college B. work

C. hospital D. barbershop


A serious defeat when I was only 10 years old made me the 1968 Olympic ice skating champion. It gave me a deadly — the other Peggy Fleming.

Just before that, Dad encouraged me to take skating lessons. And soon I was local figure-skating (花样滑冰) awards. Then came the Pacific Coast Championship in Los Angeles.

I, a very confident young girl, proud of the of friends and newspapers, walked into the stadium to add another laurel (桂冠) to my recent victories. Out on the ice, I enjoyed myself, flying through all kinds of figures I knew so well. But when the results were posted, I was — out of 12 competitors I had finished last!




