
关于品类定位视域论文范文资料 与品类定位视域下中国体育用品业品牌打造路径有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:品类定位视域范文 科目:发表论文 2024-02-23


摘 要:以体育用品业为研究对象,以“品类定位”为视角,运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、逻辑分析等方法进行研究,研究内容从4个方面进行:1)梳理“定位”和“品类定位”理论的起源及商业价值;2)分析国际著名体育用品业品类打造的成功案例;3)分析我国体育用品业品类打造存在的主要问题;4)探索我国体育用品业品类的打造路径.研究结果表明:1)品牌以品类为基础,真正的品牌是某一品类的代表;2)国际著名体育用品业依据体育运动项目类别、技术特征及消费者特点和差异从运动项目、产品功能、消费者年龄、性别等层面开创品牌类别,从而成为消费者心中某一品类的代表;3)我国体育用品业品类打造存在的主要问题是新品类开发能力薄弱、定位泛化、营销理念和方法滞后;4)“品类定位”视域下,我国体育用品业品类打造路径包括3个步骤.首先,把握体育变迁趋势,从科技创新、运动项目特征和消费者特点开创新品类.其次,以新品类为主体,实施聚焦,形成细分市场.再者,借鉴品类营销理念和优化营销方法提高传播效用,占据消费者心智阶梯.

关键词: 品类定位;中国体育用品业;品牌打造路径

中图分类号: G 80052文章编号:1009783X(2016)01000805文献标志码: A

Abstract:Using the research methods of literature review,expert interview and comparative study,this paper takes sports goods as the research object from the perspective of category positioning.The research content covers four aspects:1) discussing the rationale and commercial value of positioning and category positioning,2) analyzing the successful cases of category building of famous international sports goods,3) analyzing the main problems of sports goods in China,and 4) probing the category building path of Chinese sports goods.The results show that:1) brand is based on category,where a real brand represents a certain category;2) international sports goods create a brand category on the aspects of sports events,product functions,consumers’ ages,genders according to sports categories,technical features and consumer characteristics,so that they become a symbol of the category represented;3) the main problems with the brand building of Chinese sports goods lie in weak development skill with new sports goods categories,inexact positioning,and obsolete marketing concepts and methods;4) the brand building path of Chinese sports goods can be categorized in three phases from the perspective of “category positioning”:seizing the transition trend of sports development and creating new categories based on science and technology innovation,sports features and consumer characteristics;creating segment market by focusing on the new categories;drawing on the experience of category marketing concepts and optimizing marketing methods so as to improve dissemination efficiency and to take up the consumers’ intellectual steps.

Keywords:category positioning;Chinese sports goods industries;brand building path




作者单位:湖南衡阳师范学院体育系,湖南衡阳 421008

Department of Physical Education,Hengyang Normal University,Hengyang 421008,China.


