
关于鄱阳湖论文范文资料 与鄱阳湖生态经济区低碳旅游有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:鄱阳湖范文 科目:发表论文 2024-02-21


[内容摘 要]在鄱阳湖生态经济区探索发展低碳旅游业,有利于保护生态环境,发挥资源优势,促进产业生态化和生态产业化.通过政府、企业和游客共同参与,构筑区域低碳旅游循环体系.根据旅游地的生态环境和资源特点,构筑旅游地资源循环利用系统,合理规划生态承载量,对旅游资源进行优化配置,引导旅游者进入低碳旅游方式;旅游景区设施提倡简便、实用、安全、满足消费功能;在施工上选用环保、节能、耐用建材和太阳能、沼气等可再生能源技术;旅游饭店要推行低碳消费,实施绿色行业标准,制定节能减排指标,创建绿色旅游饭店;旅游者要将低碳理念贯穿在“吃、住、行、游、购、娱”各个环节中,实现真正的低碳旅游体验和享受.通过发展低碳旅游业,带动生态经济区其他生态产业的联动发展,从而实现生态与经济协调发展.


[中图分类号]F590.3 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1674-6848(2014)03-0085-08

[作者简介]麻智辉(1962—),男,浙江缙云人,江西省社会科学院经济研究所所长、研究员,主要从事生态经济和区域经济研究.(江西南昌 330077)


Title: Research on Low-carbon Touri Development in Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone

Author: Ma Zhihui

Abstract: Research on low-carbon touri development in Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone, is helpful to protect the ecological environment, to make good use of the superiority of resources, and to promote industrial ecology and eco-industrialization. By the participation of governments, businesses and visitors, a regional circular system of low-carbon touri can be built. According to the ecological environment and the characteristics of resources in the touri area, a circular system of resources is to be built, with a rational plan of ecological carrying capacity, an optimal allocation of touri resources, and a guide of the tourists into low-carbon touri. And facilities in tourist attractions are advocated to be simple, practical, safe, to meet the consumption function. Environmental protection, energy sing and durable building materials, and solar, biogas and other renewable energy technologies are to be selected in the construction. For building green tourist hotels, low-carbon consumption is to be implemented, green industry standards are to be carried out, and energy-sing and emission reduction targets are to be formulated. Tourists should take the low-carbon concept throughout all aspects of“food, housing, transportation, trelling, shopping and entertainment”to achieve a true low-carbon trel experience and enjoyment. Through the development of low-carbon touri, joint development of other ecological industries in ecological economic zone, and thus coordination of ecological and economic development are to be promoted.

Key words: Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone; low-carbon touri; meaning and future development



