
关于希尔顿论文范文资料 与希尔顿Curio精选阿姆威格兰德广场酒店,历史和壮丽合体有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:希尔顿范文 科目:发表论文 2024-03-03


曾接待过不可计数的政要、总统及名流的美国标志性酒店——位于密歇根州西南部大急流城的阿姆威格兰德广场酒店(Amway Grand Plaza)近日加入希尔顿Curio精选(Curio Collection by Hilton)家族,名载史册的百年老店再续新颜.该酒店加入Curio这个独具特色的豪华酒店精选系列,对于探寻当地风物及追求真实体验的热心旅者而言,正中下怀.

阿姆威格兰德广场酒店由AHC+Hospitality持有并管理,682间宽敞客房容人肆意松弛躯体,其中45套奢华套房诱人垂涎,如总统套房、密歇根套房、范安德尔套房和德福斯套房.酒店早于1913年开业,原名为ThePantlind,大堂的金箔天花面积堪称世界之最,如今被公认为美国的历史酒店和有荣焉,但也在意料之中.它卓越的历史铺就了1981年阿姆威格兰德广场酒店的重新入世之路.时至今日,酒店将?e Pantlind的优雅遗韵和在旁的现代玻璃高塔翼楼融而为一,此耗资1400万美金翻新的玻璃高塔2014年亮相,糅合古典和当代设计,不容现代旅者拒绝.

An iconic hotel that has hosted numerous dignitaries, presidents and celebrities, the historic Amway Grand Plaza today joined Curio - A Collection by Hilton. As Hilton Worldwide"s (NYSE: HLT) rapidly-expanding global collection of distinctive upscale and luxury hotels, Curio caters to passionate travelers seeking local discovery and authentic experiences. Located in downtown Grand Rapids, the Amway Grand Plaza, Curio Collection by Hilton is owned and managed by AHC+Hospitality.

Guests can relax in 682 spacious guestrooms, including 45 luxurious suites that include the Presidential Suite, Michigan Suite, Van Andel Suite and DeVos Suite. Originally opened in 1913 as The Pantlind, the hotel included one of the world"s largest gold-leaf ceilings in the lobby and is honored to now be recognized as a Historical Hotel of America. Its distinguished history paved the way for the new Amway Grand Plaza, which reopened in 1981. Today, the hotel combines the graceful heritage of The Pantlind with the modern Glass Tower - which reopened in 2014 following a $14 million renovation featuring classic and contemporary design for today"s modern traveler.


