
关于梦幻花园论文范文资料 与梦幻花园静谧时光有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:梦幻花园范文 科目:mba论文 2024-01-23



安缦杰纳度假村就坐落在马拉喀什古城外一片满是棕榈树和橄榄树的绿洲之中.酒店的设计灵感来自古老的马拉喀什,玫瑰色的墙壁和红城Al Medina al Hamra的城墙以及大阿特拉斯山柏柏尔人的村庄交相辉映.


在摩洛哥这个沙漠国家,流水被视作上天的恩赐,是仁慈和富足的象征.11世纪,穆拉比特王朝君主将灌溉技术引入马拉喀什,为城市注入勃勃生机.安缦杰纳巧妙地将水作为主题,融入度假村设计之中.一进入度假村,入口石柱廊的摩纳哥大理石喷泉中,流水伴随着玫瑰花瓣散落.从大型 盆地灌溉池、倒影池,到客人的私人花园,到处都能感受到“水”的存在.度假村的32间亭阁和6栋双层洋房都依水池而建,无处不在的“水”,将客人带入穆拉比特王朝的辉煌和奢华当中.

Morocco is a magnificent land of rose-color, known as the "North Africa garden". In the ancient city of Marrakech located in the Atlas Mountains, there are magnificent sceneries, mild climate, lush flowers, and historical sites. The old city has been listed as a world cultural heritage site, and the classical garden of the ancient city is a supreme scenic spot.

Amanjena resort is located in Morocco city Marrakech, an oasis between palm trees and olive trees. Design inspiration came from the ancient Marrakech, where rose-colored walls, the walls of red city Al Medina al Hamra and the Berber village in Atlas mountain stood.

The hotel is built in traditional Arabian style building like a Moroccan royal palace, with a resort gardens of olive and citrus trees, soaring date palms, orange-flame bougainvillea, pale peach hibiscus, orange- and white-blossomed rose bushes and pomegranate.

Flowing water is considered a gift in this desert country, a symbol of grace and abundance. Marrakech was brought to radiant life by the brilliance of 11th century Almoravid irrigation. Water is a unifying element at Amanjena, present in the Moroccan marble fountains strewn with rose petals in the resort"s entrance colonnade. Water element is everywhere to be seen from the central ancient basin, reflection pool, to the guest"s private garden. The resort"s 32 pavilions and six, two-storey maisons radiate out from the bassin, bringing the guest to the brilliance and luxury of the Almoravid Dynasty.


