
关于典雅静谧空间论文范文资料 与典雅静谧空间有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:典雅静谧空间范文 科目:学术论文 2024-04-10


经过酒店大堂闪亮的水晶吊灯,和米其林3星的酒店餐厅Alain Ducasse,沿铺着地毯的楼梯走下去,看到一个银色抛光的“Dior Institut”指示牌,这就表示,你已来到全巴黎最独特的地方之一.从接待处到Spa套房,再到休息间,迪奥水疗中心的每处空间均渲染着一层优雅的香槟色.套房的木质墙面洋溢着温暖的金色,镜面天花板的水晶闪耀,低浮雕隐约可见迪奥尊贵水疗的玫瑰花象征.水疗中心的设计布置营造出轻松惬意、回归平静的氛围,于细节处彰显迪奥的精致高贵.

Through the crystal chandeliers in the hotel lobby, passing by Alain Ducasse, the Michelin 3 star hotel restaurant, down the carpeted staircase and you will see the "Dior Institut" silver plate, meaning you are in one of the most unique places in Paris. From reception area to spa rooms and lounge, each space is steeped in an elegant tone of champagne. Crystals shine in the mirror ceiling and the wooden surface of the spa room glows in warm yellow, with the honoured rose symbol of Dior spa embossed below. The environment here is relaxing, peaceful and full of delicate luxury details.


