
关于统计学论文范文资料 与基于地统计学耕层土壤有效态微量元素空间变异特征有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:统计学范文 科目:职称论文 2024-01-22


摘 要:运用地统计学和ArcGIS技术相结合的方法,研究了威海市文登区农田土壤有效态微量元素的空间变异分布特征.统计分析结果表明,有效B、Fe、Mn、Cu 和 Zn 符合对数正态分布,土壤中有效态微量元素含量均在正常范围之内,总体偏低.土壤微量元素的变异系数差异较大,分配不均衡,有效Fe、Mn、Zn、Cu均属中等变异程度(10%~100%) ,而有效B属低等变异程度(<10%).结构分析表明,文登区土壤微量元素含量空间变异具有各向异性, 块金值与基台值的比值均小于25%,具有强烈的空间相关性,说明在该研究区内,受人为因素的影响较小.空间局部差值结果表明,中部低山丘陵区有效Fe 含量较高,中南部边界地带含量最低,且有区域性特征,有效Mn的分布特征与有效Fe有一定的相似性,有效Cu在北部山区、中北部圣经山以及中南部低山丘陵一带较为集中,有效Zn和有效B地域差异不明显,分布较为细碎化.利用地统计学方法分析本区土壤有效态微量元素的空间变异结构,对农业生产合理布局、土壤资源综合治理具有重要意义.


中图分类号:S158 文献标识号:A 文章编号:1001-4942(2017)07-0081-05

Abstract In this paper, the spatial variability characteristics of available microelements in farmland soils in Wendeng District of Weihai City were studied by means of geostatistics and ArcGIS. The results of statistical analysis showed that the available B, Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn accorded with the logarithmic normal distribution, and the contents of trace elements were all within the normal range, but the total level was lower. The variation coefficients of soil microelements had greater differences and the distribution was not balanced. The available Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu belonged to moderate degree of variation (10%~100%), while the available B belonged to low degree of variation (<10%). Structural analysis showed that the spatial variation of trace elements in Wendeng had anisotropy. The ratio of gold value to base value was less than 25%, so there was strong spatial correlation. It indicated that the influence of human factors was smaller in this region. The results of spatial local difference showed that the available Fe content was higher in the middle hilly area of central China, while the lowest in the central and southern regions, which presented regional characteristics. The distribution of available Mn had some similarity to the available Fe. The available Cu mainly concentrated in the northern mountains, the back of the Bible and the middle and south of hilly area. The difference between the available Zn and B was not obvious, and their distribution appeared fragmentation. Using the method of geostatistics to understand the spatial variation structure of soil microelements in this area would be of great significance to rational distribution of agricultural production and comprehensive management of soil resources.

Keywords Plow layer soil; Trace elements; Spatial variability; Kriging interpolation









