
关于医学影像论文范文资料 与关于放射医学技术和医学影像技术分析有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:医学影像范文 科目:职称论文 2024-01-22


[摘 要] 目的 分析放射影像学技术的应用情况,分析成像质量的影响因素.方法 该院2016年1—12月共开展普通的X线检查10 749次,CR、DR检查7 650次,CT检查895次,MRI检查305次,DSA检查250例,进行回顾性分析.同时问卷调查10名放射科医师,就放射科的影像学技术的影响质量影响因素进行评价.结果 从检查的图像质量来看,X线检查的合格率最低为97.46%,不良事件CT的发生率最高1.23%,MRI、DSA的检查满意率最低分别为92.13%、92.80%,CT的科室满意率最低91.06%.操作者的经验技术水平总分最高40分,其次为检查的目的和成像难易程度37分,再次为仪器设备的性能和状态36分、仪器设备的参数和模式设置35分、患者的配合能力33分、技术类型32分、检查前的准备质量25分.结论 有必要提高放射影像学技术应用质量,重视提高操作技术水平.

[关键词] 放射医学;医学影像;诊断

[中图分类号] R81 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2018)01(a)-0191-03

Analysis of Radiological Technology and Medical Imaging Technology

YUAN Chao, YU Liu

Department of Radiology, Kaizhou District People’s Hospital, Chongqing, 405400 China

[Abstract] Objective Tries to analyze the application of radiological technology, and the factors influencing the imaging quality. Methods In 2016, there were 10 749 general X-ray examinations, 7 650 CR and DR examinations, 895 CT examinations, 305 MRI examinations and 250 DSA examinations. At the same time, 10 radiologists were surveyed to evaluate the influencing factors on the quality of radiology imaging technology from January to December 2016 in the hospital. Results From the examination of the image quality, the lowest pass rate of X-ray examination was 97.46%, the incidence of adverse events CT highest of 1.23%, MRI, DSA examination satisfaction rates were 92.13%, 92.80%, CT department satisfaction rate of the lowest 91.06%. The operator’s experience and technical level of the highest score of 40 points, followed by the purpose of inspection and imaging ease of 37 points, once again for the performance of equipment and state 36 points, equipment parameters and mode setting 35 points, patients cooperative ability 33 points, 32 points for the type of technique, and 25 points for the pre-examination preparation quality. Conclusion It is necessary to improve the application quality of radiological techniques and to improve the technical level of operation.

[Key words] Radiology; Medical imaging; Diagnosis

放射科是利用X線机、计算机X线摄影系统(CR)、数字化X线机(DR)、计算机X线断层扫描(CT)、核磁共振(MRI)、数字减影血管造影系统(DSA)等设备开展检查、诊断、治疗的科室,已被广泛应用于冠心病等血管性疾病、脑卒中等颅内病变、甲状腺肿瘤等肿瘤性疾病等诊断之中[1].但放射诊断技术并非万能灵药,除“DSA”外,其他诊断技术都不能作为“金标准”,也存在误漏诊.同时在具体应用过程中,部分患者可能不能接收检查,检查还可能引起放射性损害,部分检查需要进行灌注扫描,会出现血管穿刺损伤,造影剂可能引起过敏,DSA甚至可能引起心血管事件.该次研究尝试回顾性以及问卷调查相结合的分析方法,回顾性分析2016年1—12月的放射科普通的X线检查10 749次,CR、DR检查7 650次,CT检查895次,MRI检查305次,DSA检查250例,分析各放射影像学技术的应用质量,现报道如下.

1 资料和方法

1.1 一般资料

该院开展普通的X线检查10 749次,主要针对下呼吸道感染、骨折、肺结节筛查诊断.CR、DR检查7 650次,主要针对对象乳腺疾病、甲状腺疾病、肺炎、肺结核筛查诊断.CT检查895次,主要用于动脉血管性疾病、脏器肿瘤性疾病、颅脑疾病、关节病变诊断.MRI检查305次,主要用于脏器肿瘤、颅脑疾病、关节疾病的诊断.DSA检查250例,主要用于冠心病、血管畸形、静脉血栓形成的诊断.








