
关于85g:n论文范文资料 与85g有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:85g:n范文 科目:职称论文 2024-03-19


US R&D team spent $ 1.5 million, after several years to develop a bat robot, which can soar in the air, complete energy-sing glide, if necessary, also able to dive, and there may be hovering around other Us.

According to the R&D team, "Able to imitate the unique flight of the bat, the flight performance of this 3-ounce (about 85 grams) aircraft in the disaster and the construction area will be safer and much more excellent than the ordinary Us. For example, Bat robots can become a great choice for disaster investigation after the leak of Fukushima nuclear power plant.

"This bats robot has nine joints, less than 8 inches (0.2 meters) from beginning to end, with a wing width of 1.5 feet (about 0.46 meters) when the wings are deployed, with a beat frequency of 10 times per second," the developer said. The R&D team still needs to add a camera for the bats robot and is expected to be operational in 5 years.


