
关于人口老龄化论文范文资料 与我国城镇化进程中城乡人口老龄化趋势政策有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:人口老龄化范文 科目:职称论文 2024-02-25


摘 要:借助于人口普查和统计数据,采用多区域人口预测模型对我国城乡人口老龄化变动趋势进行了预测,结果发现,未来我国城乡人口老龄化程度呈不断上升趋势,乡—城人口流迁规模对我国城乡人口老龄化作用明显.乡—城人口流迁越快,未来城镇老年人口规模增长越快,农村老年人口规模则减少越明显,城镇老年人口规模将在2022年以后开始超过农村;流迁规模越大,对城镇老年人口比重和抚养比缓解作用越强,而对于农村则相反;未来我国农村老年人口比重始终会高于城镇,且农村和城市老年人口的比重的差距呈现由扩大到缩小的趋势.未来我国城镇将面临更大的养老负担和经济压力,而农村则面临家庭照料和长期照护的严重挑战.




Urban and Rural Population Aging Trends and Policy Implications

of the Urbanization Process in China

TONG Yufen1,LI Yumei1,2, LIU Chuanqi1

(1.School of Labor Economics, Capital University of Economics and Business,

Beijing 100070,China; 2.School of Management, Guizhou Minzu

University, Guiyang 550025,China)

Abstract:The research observes trends in urban and rural population aging using census and statistics and predict the future using multiregional population forecasting model. The results show that aging issue indicated an increasing trend in both areas. Specifically, migration between rural and urban areas makes great contributions to boost aging in the local region. In terms of aging, the more active ruralurban migration is, the faster the future population of the elder in urban grows. Correspondingly, the population of the elder in rural drops dramatically. And after 2022 the population of the elder in urban will more than it in rural. The greater scale of ruralurban migration is, the less proportion of the elderly population and the dependency ratio in the urban region is, and the situation appears opposite in the rural. In future, the proportion of the elderly population in the rural area will always be higher than that in urban area, and the gap showed a narrow trend rather than expanding. Then we will face greater pension burden and economic pressures in urban, and the challenges of home care and longterm care will be serious in rural. Based on this policy implications, the article put forward some policy suggestions.

Keywords:urbanization; ruralurban migration; aging; trends

一、 前言

目前,中国城镇化正处于“S”型增长的中期快速发展阶段.2012年,我国城镇人口占总人口比重达52.6%,城镇人口每年以大约3‰~4‰的速度递增,远远超过同期1‰的总人口年增长速度[1].而改革开放以来我国城镇化水平的提高,主要通过农村人口向城镇人口转变实现,即在城镇化过程中,农村人口向城镇转变所作贡献约占90.7%,而城镇人口自然增长在其中的作用只占9.3% [2].同时,有大量研究成果可以证明,目前农村人口向城镇人口的转变主要以农村劳动年龄人口流迁为主.全国第六次人口普查资料也显示,在我国城镇地区的常住流动人口中,15~44岁人口约占流动人口总量的78.6%.预计随着未来中国产业结构的调整及城镇化进程的加快,农村劳动年龄人口流迁进入城镇的速度还会加快.这种城乡人口年龄结构变化趋势也必然会直接影响到城乡人口结构及其城乡老龄化进程.基于这一认识,本文采用多区域人口预测模型,以第六次全国人口普查数据为基础,对我国未来城镇化发展背景下的城乡老龄化变动趋势进行多方案模拟.通过定量考察人口流迁对城乡人口老龄化的影响,为我国的经济社会发展提供必要数据基础,也通过对预测结果的讨论最后得出具有政策含义的结论.




