
关于OntheTranslationofPuninLiteraryWorks论文范文资料 与OntheTranslationofPuninLiteraryWorks有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:OntheTranslationofPuninLiteraryWorks范文 科目:职称论文 2024-01-24


【Abstract】To pun is to use a word or words to get two meanings, literal meaning and connotation meaning to achieve humorous or sarcastic sense. It is a widely-used figure of speech in both English language and Chinese language, especially in the literary works. The use of pun makes literary works not only vivid but also humorous and sarcastic. In order to better represent the artistic beauty of pun in literary works, the author will explore the translation methods of pun in this paper.

【Key words】pun; classification; translatability; translation

Ⅰ. Introduction

Both English pun and Chinese pun are based on the pronunciation and semantic meaning of words and sentences. Nowadays, puns are no longer considered to be the superior use of language. They spring to the eye or ear from formal occasions to the daily usage, from literature, such as novels, poems, plays, couplets, cross-talks, to practical writings such as news headlines and advertisements. Since they are so widely used and they are the essence of the language and culture, we need to spare no effort to reproduce the artistic beauty of them in the target language.

In this paper, the author will focus on the translation of pun in literary works. First, the author will introduce the definitions of both English pun and Chinese pun, and then by analyzing the examples and comparing several translation versions, he will give some useful and effective methods to tackle the problem.

Ⅱ. Definitions and Classifications of Pun

2.1 English Definition

In Webster’s New World Dictionary pun is defined as “the humorous use of a word or words which are formed or sounded alike but have different meanings, in such a way as to play on two or more of the possible applications; a play on words.”

2.2 Chinese Definition

In Chinese Rhetoric Dictionary pun is to use a word or a sentence with the same pronunciation or polysemy to achieve both the literal and figurative meanings and focus on the figurative meaning.

From both Chinese definition and English definition, we can find that puns are to use a word or words to get double meanings. And this similarity makes the translation of pun possible.

Ⅲ. Translation between English and Chinese Pun

Peter Newmark has offered some methods to translate puns, but in this paper the author will focus on the translation of pun in literary works. In my opinion, there are 7 methods in all.

3.1 Using pun to translate pun




