
关于玉米产量论文范文资料 与晚收对不同熟期夏玉米产量调控效应有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:玉米产量范文 科目:专科论文 2024-02-20


摘 要:以熟期不同的4个玉米品种(郑单958、先玉335、登海605和登海618)为供试材料,设置5个收获时期,比较研究晚收对夏玉米产量的调控效应.两年试验结果表明,和传统收获时期相比,延迟5天收获,登海605和郑单958年均产量的平均日增量为83.8、83.6 kg/hm2,登海618和先玉335为109.7、158.1 kg/hm2;延迟10天收获,登海605和郑单958平均日增量分别为67.6、125.6 kg/hm2,登海618和先玉335为13.2、20.9 kg/hm2.中早熟品种(先玉335和登海618)在10月5日收获,粒重达最大值,基本完成灌浆过程;中晚熟品种(郑单958和登海605)在10月10日收获时,粒重还处于增加阶段,延迟收获能显著增加粒重和降低籽粒含水量.所以,适时晚收对中晚熟品种增产效果更为显著,在不耽误小麦播种的前提下,应尽可能延迟玉米收获时间.



AbstractFour maize varieties with different mature periods (Zhengdan 958, Xianyu 335, Denghai 605 and Denghai 618) were used as materials, and five harvest dates were designed to study the regulation effect of late harvest on summer maize yield. The results of two-year experiments showed that compared with the traditional harvest time, when delaying 5 days to harvest, the average daily increment of Denghai 605 and Zhengdan 958 was 83.8 and 83.6 kg/hm2 respectively, while that of Denghai 618 and Xianyu 335 was 109.7 and 158.1 kg/hm2 respevtively; when delaying 10 days to harvest, the average daily increment of Denghai 605 and Zhengdan 958 was 67.6 and 125.6 kg/hm2 respectively, while Denghai 618 and Xianyu 335 was 13.2 and 20.9 kg/hm2 respectively. For middle-early mature varieties (Xianyu 335 and Denghai 618), the kernel weight reached the maximum when harvested on October 5, and the filling process was basically completed. But for middle-late mature varieties (Zhengdan 958 and Denghai 605), the grain weight was still in the increasing period when harvested on October 10, so delaying harvest could markedly increase the grain weight and decrease the grain moisture content. In conclusion, suitable late harvest had more significant increasing effects on yield of middle-late mature varieties; under the premise of not influencing wheat seeding, the maize harvest time should be delayed as far as possible.

KeywordsSummer maize; Varieties with different mature periods; Late harvest; Yield increasing effect



