
关于链球论文范文资料 与我国部分优秀女子链球运动员投掷技术运动学分析有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:链球范文 科目:专科论文 2024-02-05


摘 要:采用2台JVC9 800高速摄影机,对我国6名优秀女子链球运动员的投掷技术进行拍摄和解析,并对投掷各阶段肩轴角、髋轴角、链球速度变化、髋膝踝角量的变化等进行运动学分析和比较.研究发现:研究对象在旋转过程中,肩轴角在右脚着地时呈现增大的趋势,右脚离地时则呈现减小的趋势;髋轴角在右脚着地、离地时均呈现增大的趋势;旋转中,链球每圈速度随旋转圈数增加而增加,但球速增量呈现随旋转圈数增加而递减;在双脚支撑阶段的髋角增幅过大,单脚支撑结束右脚落地时髋、膝角较大,右脚离地瞬间髋角增幅明显.

关键词: 女子;链球;投掷技术;运动学;运动特征

中图分类号: G 824.4 文章编号:1009-783X(2013)06-0551-05 文献标志码: A

Kinematic Analysis of the Throwing Technique of Elite Female Hammer Throwers in China

LIU Changya,TAI Chongxi

Abstract:Using 2 JVC9800 high-speed cameras,the present research recorded and analyzed the throwing technique of six female elite hammer throwers in China.The various stages and throwing shoulder axis angle,the hip axis angle,the speed of hammer,hip,knee and ankle angle changes are also analyzed from kinematic point of view.The results show that the shoulder axis angle of the subjects exhibits an increasing trend when the right foot is on the ground during rotation,while a decreasing trend when the right foot is off ground,that hip axis angle exhibits a increasing trend when the right foot is both on and off the ground,that the speed of the hammer increase with the increased number of rotations but the speed increase amount decreases with the increase in number of rotations,and that the hip angle increase is too large when both feet are in supporting position,while the hip,knee axis angles are comparative large when the right foot land at the end of the single-foot support,and there is significant increase in hip axis angle when the right foot is instantly off the ground.

Key words:women;hammer;throwing technique;kinematic;motion characteristics



1 研究对象和方法

1.1 研究对象


1.2 研究方法

1.2.1 高速摄像和影片解析

采用2台JVC9 800高速摄影机,对参赛运动员的投掷技术进行动态摄影测量,其中1台摄像机架设在投掷圈正后方15.10 m处,另1台摄像机架设在投掷圈右侧12.80 m处,拍摄频率为100 fps,拍摄掷链球从预摆到出手的全程技术动作.


1.2.2 数理统计法

采用SPSS 17.0统计软件对解析结果进行统计处理,获得各项指标的平均值、标准差,并和2012年伦敦奥运会女子链球冠军利亚先科(俄罗斯)的相关参数进行比较分析.

2 研究结果和分析讨论

2.1 旋转及最后用力阶段肩轴角的变化





