
关于耐用品论文范文资料 与基于消费者类型耐用品销售定价有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:耐用品范文 科目:专科论文 2024-04-14


摘 要:基于消费者类型,建立了消费者在耐用品两个服务周期上的效用模型,由此分析了新、旧耐用品的市场覆盖,并研究了垄断商的最优销售定价问题及相关特征.研究得到:(1)在两个周期上新耐用品的最优销售定价均先随耐用度增加而降低,后随耐用度增加而提高;但第一期新耐用品的隐含租赁价格随耐用度单调递减,第二期旧耐用品的销售价格随耐用度单调递增;(2)在耐用品销售时,垄断商的利润随着耐用度的降低而增加,垄断商有降低产品耐用度的激励;(3)在垄断商最优销售定价下,第一期新耐用品的市场覆盖随耐用度单调递减;第二期新耐用品的市场覆盖要高于第一期.并通过实例验证了结论的有效性.


中图分类号:F713.50 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5192(2010)03-0026-05

Study of Pricing When the Monopolist Sells the Durable Goods Based on the Consumer’s Type

ZHANG Xiang1,2, TAN De-qing1, SU Hao1

(1.School of Economics & Management, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China; 2.The Economics & Management Department, Si Chuan College of Architectural Technology, Deyang 618000, China)

Abstract:In this paper, we construct the utility model of the different type consumers who buy the durable goods in two periods. Derive the new and used durable goods’ coverage. Then we discuss the optimal sale’s pricing of the durable goods monopolist in the two periods and analyse their features.We obtain some conclusions as follow: (1) the optimal sale’s pricing of the durable goods monopolist decrease first,then increase when the durability increase in the two periods;But the implicit rental price is always decreasing in the first period,and the used durable goods’ selling price is always increasing in the second periond. (2)When selling, the total profits of the two perionds is decreasing as the durability increases.So the monopolist have incentives to decrease their products’ durability. (3)When the monopolist setting the optimal sale price, the new durable goods coverage decreases in the first periond as the durability increases, and the new durable goods coverage is higher in the first period than in the second period. At last, we prove that the conclusions are robust by some real life examples.

Key words:the durable goods; the monopolist; the sale’s pricing;the consumer’s type; the secondary market

1 引言


该猜想拉开了对耐用品销售定价讨论的序幕.Stokey[2],Gul,Sonnenschein and Wilson[3]等通过模型证明Coase猜想是成立的.他们得到在静态均衡中,如果两个销售价格决策之间的时间间隔足够短,那么耐用品垄断商的销售定价几乎等于其生产边际成本.然而,Ausubel and Deneckere[4]表示,如果垄断商能够形成良好的声誉且耐用品的边际成本不小于每个消费者对该耐用品的评价时,耐用品的销售价格要高于完全竞争时的价格水平,垄断商能够获得部分甚至全部垄断利润.

在参和Coase猜想的讨论中,学者们或者放松Coase猜想的假设条件,或者假设垄断商运用一些如租赁之类的策略.在放松假设条件方面,Bond and Samuelson[5]证明当耐用品有限耐用,替代销售能够降低耐用品垄断商降价的激励;Kahn[6]假定耐用品垄断商的边际成本随耐用品数量单调递增而不是恒定不变,得到和文献[5]相似的结论;而Bagnoli,Salant and Swierzbinski[7]以及Levine and Pesendorfer[8]研究了离散需求时的情况.在垄断商运用策略方面,Bulow[9],Waldman[10]认为降低产品的耐用度可以有效地降低垄断商降价的激励;Butz[11]则证明垄断商运用最优价格条款也能达到相同的效果;而Karp and Perloff[12]则考虑了运用低级的高成本的生产技术是否能够阻止垄断商降低耐用品销售价格的问题.看起来似乎学者们仅在讨论关于Coase猜想,但实际上他们研究了在多种情况下的耐用品销售定价的问题.另外,Conlisk[13]等讨论了耐用品垄断商周期性的定价策略,Kornishi[14]研究了垄断商陆续推出新版本耐用品时的定价情况,李克克[15]等利用Hotelling模型对PC软件产品竞争性升级定价进行了研究.然而,上述对耐用品销售定价问题的研究成果主要是从现代经济理论中的价格和市场需求关系入手研究得到的.




