
关于脑瘫论文范文资料 与痉挛肌治疗仪结合家庭康复治疗痉挛型脑瘫儿童的疗效观察有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:脑瘫范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-03-05


【摘 要】目的探讨痉挛肌治疗仪结合家庭康复在痉挛型脑瘫儿童康复中的疗效,为降低患儿致残率提供参考.

方法选择2015年1~ 10月在儿童保健康复科治疗的118例痉挛型脑瘫患儿,进行临床随机对照研究,分观察组和对照组各59例,对照组采用药物治疗+运动疗法+引導式教育,观察组在对照组治疗基础上同时采用痉挛肌治疗仪治疗结合家庭康复.采用改良Ashworth量表法(MAS)、GMFM88项粗大运动功能评定表和Peabody精细运动发育量表在治疗9个月后进行评估,比较两组各项指标情况.





【Abstract】ObjectiveTo investigate the curative effect of spastic muscle therapeutic apparatus combined with family rehabilitation therapy for children with spastic cerebral palsy,so as to provide reference for decreasing their disability rate.

MethodsClinical randomized comparison study was carried out to 118 children with spastic cerebral palsy treated in our children health department from January to October,2015.They were divided into observation group and control group,with 59 cases in each group.The control group were given drug and sports therapy as well as conductive education,and based on which the other group were given spastic muscle therapeutic apparatus combined with family rehabilitation therapy.After 9 months of treatment,modified Ashworth scaling (MAS),GMFM (gross motor function measure scale 88) and Peabody developmental motor scale were adopted to evaluate the relative indexes of the two groups.

ResultsAfter 9 months of treatment,the total effective rate of grading of muscle tension in the observation group was 61.0%,significantly higher than that(33.9%) of the control group.Both group got higher scores in each GMFM functional area after treatment,while the observation group held better indexes than the control group(P<0.001).Moreover,the two groups got higher scores in fine motor quotient(FMQ),grasp index and visualmotion index after treatment,and the observation group held better indexes than control group(P<0.001).

ConclusionBased on comprehensive rehabilitation therapy,spastic muscle therapeutic apparatus combined with family rehabilitation he better clinical effect and more forable prognosis,which can decrease disability rate and lighten burden on family and society.Thus it is worth clinical application.

【Key words】spastic muscle therapeutic apparatus;spastic cerebral;family rehabilitation therapy


