
关于农业论文范文资料 与农业和二三产业融合新兴模式有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:农业范文 科目:论文范文 2024-04-02


摘 要:为改变农业“大而不强”的现状,按照《国务院关于推进农村一二三产业融合发展的指导意见》提出的推进新型城镇化、加快农业结构调整、延伸农业产业链、拓展农业多种功能、大力发展农业新型业态、引导产业集聚发展等产业融合方式,以贺州为样本,对特色小镇、现代特色农业示范区、现代农业公司、农村电商等农业与二三产业融合发展的新兴模式进行了实证研究,并提出以规划引领形成农业与二三产业融合发展的合理布局、以创新体系搭建农业与二三产业融合的载体、为农业与二三产业融合提供综合性信息化服务平台等公共服务的对策.


中图分类号:F321 文献标识码:A DOI 编码:10.3969/j.issn.1006-6500.2018.07.006

Exploration on the New Model of the Integration Development of Agricultural and the Secondary and Tertiary Industries: Take Hezhou City as an Example

GUAN Jingling

(Party School of Hezhou District Committee of the Communist Party of China, Hezhou, Guangxi 542899, China)

Abstract: In order to change the current situation of "big but not strong" in agriculture, in accordance with the guidance of the office of the State Council on promoting the integration and development of the secondary and tertiary industries in the countryside, the new urbanization, the adjustment of agricultural structure, the extension of the agricultural chain, the expansion of various functions of agriculture, the development of new agricultural formats and the guidance of industrial agglomeration were put forward. Development and other industrial integration methods, taking Hezhou as the example, carried out an empirical study on the new model of the integration and development of agriculture and the secondary and tertiary industries of the characteristic town, modern characteristic agricultural demonstration area, modern agricultural company, rural e-commerce and so on, and put forward the rational layout and innovation of the integration of the development of agriculture and secondary and tertiary industries by planning. The system built the carrier of the integration of agriculture and secondary and tertiary industries, and provided a comprehensive information service platform and other public services for the integration of agriculture and secondary and tertiary industries.

Key words: agriculture; industrial integration; model; Hezhou


1 贺州农业与二三产业融合发展新兴模式的实证研究

1.1 特色小镇

1.1.1 贺街镇(果蔬生产专业镇模式) 2010年,贺街镇被誉为广西“蔬菜之乡”.适宜的气候、肥沃的土地、勤劳的人民,形成了贺街农民种植蔬菜的传统.据统计,平均每天由贺街运往珠三角地区的蔬菜达到200 t以上.近年来,贺街镇还种植了3 333.3 hm2三华李、凤凰梅等农产品,成为广西最大的李子产区.2006年,贺街镇被国家林业部评为“全国梅李之乡” [2].尽管贺街镇是贺州市乃至珠三角小有名气的蔬菜、水果生产大镇,却没有真正实现“种出经济,种出风景”的目标.每年春天,前往贺街镇赏李花的群众络绎不绝,但由于尚未形成集休闲旅游、生态采摘、农耕体验于一体的农业经济发展模式,赏李花并没有给种植户带来经济效益.种植户仅靠把李子卖给批发商获利.种植李子既没有延伸到水果深加工的产业链,也没有带动贺街镇休闲旅游业的发展.








