
关于沙州论文范文资料 与河西军移镇沙州史事钩沉有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:沙州范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-03-14


内容摘 要:主要论证了凉州失陷后率领河西军移镇沙州的人为杨休明,亦讨论了河西军移至沙州的时间.认为以前学界之所以流行率军移镇者为杨志烈的说法,是因为将P.2942中“玉门过尚书”一语误解为尚书经过玉门关,将原句的主语和宾语倒置了,原卷该句的正确解读应是玉门军将士祭拜尚书,其文意与传世史籍有关杨志烈在凉州陷落之前即被害于甘州的记载相符.P.3952和P.4072(3)是特殊时期的度牒代用品,可以佐证率军移镇者确为杨休明,而因战乱与唐廷联络困难,移镇沙州初期杨休明还没获得节度使正授,以致两件文书对奏事者杨休明职任的表述方式非常特殊.唐廷接获奏报并认可杨休明为节度使和移镇沙州既成事实的时间是大历元年(766)五月,而据P.2942抄存的多则判文分析,移镇的实际发生时间则早于此,为永泰元年(765)秋冬或稍早些时候.


中图分类号:G256.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-4106(2018)02-0040-07

Examining the Hexi Army’s Traner to Shazhou

YANG Baoyu

(Institute of History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100732)

Abstract: This paper focuses on the circumstances and timing of the Hexi Army arriving at Shazhou in the Tang Dynasty, concluding that it was the general Yang Xiuming who led the change in position. The author refutes the popular view that the leader of the traner was Yang Zhilie by pointing out that this view is based on a misreading of the sentence“Yumen Guo Shangshu”as“the minister passed Yumen,”which is an inversion of the subject and object. The author suggests that this sentence actually means“the Yumen Army mourned the minister,”which corresponds with historical records that Yang Zhilie had died before the fall of Liangzhou in 764 CE. P.3952 and P.4072(3)are substitutes of religious certificates during times of war and on examination provide corroborative evidence that the traner was led by Yang Xiuming. The war made communication with the central government extremely difficult, to the extent that Yang Xiuming had not been officially approved as Hexi Military Governor even up to the period after the change in military position had already been completed, which accounts for why the specification of Yang Xiuming’s title remained particularly obscure. After receiving the report from the army, the central government formally approved Yang Xiuming in accord with his functional status and documented the military traner in the lunar month of May, 766 CE. According to textual analysis of P.2942, the traner had been completed by the winter of 765 CE, earlier than the date recorded by court historians in official documentation.

Keywords: Shazhou; Hexi army; traner; Yang Xiuming



